Castaway And Chatboard.. Success!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
OKay, fuddled aorund with chatboard code a bit (see dev forum post :P).. only took abotu 20 mins to figure it all out, and it seems to work :)

One issue I have right now (since only been at it about 40mins now) is changing clock speeds muckers it up so you stop getting keys, and Spiv's driver starts at a low MHz speed, so you can use chatboard on CaSTaway right now at slow speed. So I'll release it once I figure out how to make it work at normal high speed since CaSTaway generally needs speeds, and need to make it work after you change speeds, if thats possible...

But just so you know.. CaSTaway and chatboard work! :)

Release should be soon :) Thank Spiv for doing most of the hard stuff in his driver ;)

moz posted on Apr 24 2004 at 09:32 PM said:

im glad the chatboard lasted long enough!!!
heh :)

Its a little funky (pushing a key sometimes does nothing or produces wrong key), but it works well if I hold it 'just so". Shoudl be good enough to get it going, and I can crack out my solder gun if Ineed be :) (Thanks moz for making me a chatboard, everyone ;)

Now if only I can figure out why iut hates other clockrates..

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That is great!!!
The games that "need" overclocking does not often need a chatboard and vice versa... or? so it's pretty good as it is???
I'm going to buy a chat board now also...
Adventure games, now you can fiddle with TOS also... cool... even though I'm a Amiga Fan... a friend had a ST so I know a little about that machine also... Hmm.. A music tracker would be nice I think... really cool...
skeezix posted on Apr 25 2004 at 01:44 AM said:
Now if only I can figure out why iut hates other clockrates..
Isn't the chatboard simply a rs-232 interface to the gp32? In which case the baudrate prescaler register will need to be modifed to suit your selection of cpu speeds. The algorithm for calculating this is provided in the Samsung datasheet.
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If you feed the system good PCLK values.. then everything should be ok.
The formula is: prescaler = PCLK / (bps * 16) - 1; and bps = 9600 in chatboard case.
So what ever you define your PCLK to be (prescaler + 1) * (bps * 16) should be about the
same as PCLK.. if the difference is big -> stuff goes wrong. All the calsulation stuff is in the driver already anyway. If you change clockspeed, you need to recalculate UART's prescalers again.
watoto posted on Apr 25 2004 at 11:11 PM said:
sorry,i keep hearing of this chatboard,what is it?
It`s a keyboard for the GP32 as used by some Erricson mobile phones.


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watoto ur avatar rocks

it looks like it may be worth it for me to buy a chatboard now

where does the guy that sells them live?