I'm not into Linux and ARM stuff, so I wanted to know: what can I run on my future Openpandora? I know x86 stuff - windows's stuff - won't run. So what have we?
I'm pretty sure games won't work, sadly.
But some stuff like:
-Is Aby compatible with Office/OpenOffice?
-Can I has flash support in browser?
-Is Pidgin Working?
-May I log to a MU account, DL a film (free of rights, without a doubt), and see it? .avi?
-I heard ARM is used on Androïd smartphones. Right? Can I has some androïd store or make some apps working?
Is there a list of games/apps/Software...that would run?
And then, today, I was thinking my dreamdevice from future.
-Support of ARM and x86 (I know it's unreal
-Powerful enough to run stuff games like WoW. Half-Life (I wish so hard to play H-L, and Warcraft 3, CS, Caesar III, American Mc-Gee alice, audiosurf, CiV IV, Fable, MAss Effect, Morrowind, Plants vs Zombies, Minecraft, trine, Unreal Tournament, Portal..... on a handheld)
-Powerfull enough to run N64 and PS1 really fullspeed.
-SimCard slot, ability to phone.
-Camera, photo,microphone...like smartphones...
-Oh, and access to androïd market.
And, as i'm dreaming, I wish there will be a successor for Myvu glasses, as they were awesome. (Serious question: will they work with my Pandora?)
Thanks for answering my questions. And you, what's your perfect device from future (cause at present time it's the Pandora
I'm not into Linux and ARM stuff, so I wanted to know: what can I run on my future Openpandora? I know x86 stuff - windows's stuff - won't run. So what have we?
I'm pretty sure games won't work, sadly.
But some stuff like:
-Is Aby compatible with Office/OpenOffice?
-Can I has flash support in browser?
-Is Pidgin Working?
-May I log to a MU account, DL a film (free of rights, without a doubt), and see it? .avi?
-I heard ARM is used on Androïd smartphones. Right? Can I has some androïd store or make some apps working?
Is there a list of games/apps/Software...that would run?
And then, today, I was thinking my dreamdevice from future.
-Support of ARM and x86 (I know it's unreal
-Powerful enough to run stuff games like WoW. Half-Life (I wish so hard to play H-L, and Warcraft 3, CS, Caesar III, American Mc-Gee alice, audiosurf, CiV IV, Fable, MAss Effect, Morrowind, Plants vs Zombies, Minecraft, trine, Unreal Tournament, Portal..... on a handheld)
-Powerfull enough to run N64 and PS1 really fullspeed.
-SimCard slot, ability to phone.
-Camera, photo,microphone...like smartphones...
-Oh, and access to androïd market.
And, as i'm dreaming, I wish there will be a successor for Myvu glasses, as they were awesome. (Serious question: will they work with my Pandora?)
Thanks for answering my questions. And you, what's your perfect device from future (cause at present time it's the Pandora