RagnarokHi there is a newer Exagear Version out.
I installed it with Ubuntu14.04 and the Sound Problem is still there.
Will try that 3D Part with Glshim Remote these Days.
Yesterday i startet the first little Things like:
- a RpgmakerVX Game(slow because Sound Error)
- YugiOh for PC(good Playable)
- Tirtanium3D Benchmark(not working yet)
-WindowsVersion of Steam(had connect Error for now)
Next Steps are to try:
-get the Sound better working again
-get the 3D System up with Glshim
-try the Linux X86 Steam Version
-when 3D work then a fresh compile of the latest X86Wine
-then try Ragnarok and Descent3 again
Is there a Way to zoom Games from 800x600 to the Pandora Display with 800x480 with Glshim?
The Sound Error in. Exagear is with the Dmix again and an Error about Audio Timing.
Maybe you have a Hint here for me?
Google helped me not much here.

I put some informations on the ragnarok thread, it seems that we can use some way to make it Linux friendly. We can also set a local serveur to play alone without Internet.
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