Cant Register (Sign In)?


Istanbul Red
Apr 11, 2003
I have registered my account at Game PARK (HTTP://ENGLISH.GAMEPARK.COM) but I cannot sign in. When I try to sign in it seems to accept my login but then just takes me back to the main page?

What is the problem?

Hmmmm.... you're obviously one of the 10%...

I've heard it can take a while for the registration to be applied, up to 24 hours apparently. May also be worth trying to register again, using a different nick. I had to do this, as my first attempt was blown out for some reason, and didnt work.
Already registered a another id in the hope it would work, but no.

Had a search, apparently it might be a problem with IE, so i'm giving Opera a go. Other than that, I'll have to wait 24 hours.

Now to sort out my other problems....
After you register, reset windows, then goto and click on the english icon, then re-log in.

It seems you must go via if you have problems.

That seems to work.

Yeah, thats works asell. Good to know.

Any help with my other problems Craig?