Cant Install .fxe Files


Heroic Autobot
Feb 3, 2004
New York
Okay, according to the tutorial you should be able you install .fxe on your SMC by one of two ways:

The first is to highlight the files you wish to transfer to the GP32 and then right click on a file and choose Copy. Then navigate to your gp://gpmm folder and right click and choose Paste.

The second is to highlight the files again and then drag and drop the files to the gp://gpmm folder.

but for some reason PClink wont let me do either.... anyone know why?

RRAAGGGGRRH!! Problems solved:

sometimes this whole things is more dificult that it needs to be, apparently you MUST do all copy and pasting WITHIN GPlink or it claims you're attempting to copy from "GP32 to GP32 or PC to PC".

Man I hope the new firmware and GPmanager work better than this.
You can get a program called gpDrive which makes your GP32 act like a removable hard drive, in my opinion it's much better than pc link, get it here
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Thanks. I've heard of GP drive but I want to get used to how it's supposed to work first before I try the Homebrew applications so this way if I do something wrong using them I can understand the difference.

Although things like that "no space allowed in filename" is a bit annoying when you can see plainly there IS NO space. I tried copy and pasting the "blue marble" Azumanga game and ended up having to create the folders manually and copy their contents into the GP's folders because of it.
Get a hold of the hacked PC-Link at least - there should be one of 1.3, I think. Basically, stops complaining about spaces or long filenames, and just copies them over as ******~1.* files - which for rom copying is SOOOO time-saving.

Admittedly, an SMC reader is much better anyway, since they don't complain in the first place (hence GPDrive is good) - but if you want to use PCLink for now, at least use the slightly hacked version.

Also, you might want to give Squidgelink a look in - I never tried it, admittedly, but I'm told it was a huge improvement on PCLink for a "standard" style transfer program...
hey cool, thanks for the suggestions. I've pretty much gotten PClink figured out and it's kinda sad just how stubborn a program it isso hopfully the others have some of these aspects worked out, one question though how would I format a card through the card reader? Or is it only possible through the PClink software?