Cant Get Amiga Uae4all To Work


Still Fresh
May 23, 2006
i have got to the options screen :

select image disk L
emu bias 0 0 O 0 0
frameskip auto
gp2x overlock
sound 0ff
status in off
drive LED on
eject DF1 Y
Run R

, does this mean the kick rom is working??

when i try to run a rom from this point nothing happens the screen goes white

what am i doing wrong is their certain options that need changing or is it a faulty kick rom?
Does it seem like there's "disk activity" when you show the drive status? If you show the status, the white screen should start the "drive" searching. If not, I THINK the rom isn't working or properly installed somehow. There are a couple games/disks that don't seem to work with the emulator so far.
there is no activity it just turns white

but the fact that it makes it to the options screen seemed to suggest the kick rom was ok

cant be sure tho?
Make sure your .adf disk file is unzipped, select it and run. You kickstart should be named "kick.rom" and be located in the folder with the .gpe executable. I use the v1.3 of the kickstart myself.
Hi, are you using the kick.rom specified in the readme? it should be 512kb in size and kickstart 1.3. I haven't tested other versions yet so cant comment on if they work but I will be giving v3 a go sometime in the next couple of days

I find a lot of games seem to like the cpu bias set on 0, it also helps if your familiar with Amiga ways as starting some games require a mix of mouse/joypad and keyboard and usually space/f1/return, the gp2x A key seems to help with the last ones mentioned but not always.

Also remember Amiga games can take an age to load, Dune 2 for instance which also has many disk swaps.

what games are you having trouble with? perhaps I can help as I've been testing mainly Amiga stuff since I got my Gp2x at the weekend. I may add my findings to the wiki if it helps.

one tip, set your Status ON and you will see if the emulated floppy drives are doing anything, they show a box coloured green with changing numbers if its working

Make sure your .adf disk file is unzipped, select it and run. You kickstart should be named "kick.rom" and be located in the folder with the .gpe executable. I use the v1.3 of the kickstart myself.

thanks for the tips i have got the workbench hand to appear now by adjusting the bias.

but i still cannot get a game to load,

how do you select the file?

the games are in a folder after being unzipped and there are many items inside the folder.

how do you select the adf ? or make it adf ?

there is no adf file in the game folder , there is an exe file tho.
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Then you don't have the right games. The game disks are in .adf format.

Go to Cinemaware's site and get a free copy of "Defender of the Crown" to try out. They started giving the Amiga image away for free a few years ago...something to test....and it will be in ADF:

You just have to sign up to d/l it.
thanks for the tips i have got the workbench hand to appear now by adjusting the bias.

That means that your kickstart image is fine.

So the disk images you're trying to use aren't right (as the previous two posters wrote).

They have to be ADFs. You select the file by going to "Load image" in the main menu, hitting B, then navigating to the .adf file you want to load, then hitting B again. Then select 'Run'.

There are lots of places to get ADF files (don't ask here though).
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thanks so much !

some of my games are working now, only slight problem is not all work and the sound never seems to be correct,
is it worth adjusting the clock speed or will this affect the gp2x when using other utilities?

just got to say the gp2x is amazing.
Hi Craig, goto the UAE4all wiki, theres much info regarding setting up specific Amiga games, sound is an issue at the minute with many games I have tried, maybe it can be sorted eventually, I know its in my wish list..

