Cannot register to report bugs on Flyspray


I tried to register and received my confirmation code, but when I enter the code and any password I only get the following error message:

Query {INSERT INTO `flyspray_users` ( user_name, user_pass, real_name, jabber_id, magic_url, email_address, notify_type, account_enabled, tasks_perpage, register_date, time_zone, dateformat, dateformat_extended) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1, 25, ?, ?, ?, ?)} with params {xXxXxXx,xXxXxXx,xXxXxXx,,,xXxXxXx,1,xXxXxXx,0,,} Failed! (Field 'lang_code' doesn't have a default value)

(private data replaced with xXxXxXx)

Btw., can the "mouse over username pop-ups" in this forum be disabled? It is kind of annoying because I trigger them often involuntarily. Disabling JavaScript disables some useful features, and a nice warning is being displayed at the top of the page ...