Can Someone Give Me Some Advice?

GP2X works best on

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Oct 12, 2005
Um, this is really confusing for me because I've never used any thing like this before :o but when I plug my GP2X in Windows XP says U have plugged a high speed USB device in a Non highspeed USB port for help solving the problem click here) And thats it explorer doesn't pop up with a drive, nothin. Can someone tell me what I should do?

Thanx, this would help alot

you plugged a usb2 device, into a usb1 port.

it should still work.. just at 12Mbit/s.. instead of 500(?)

unless you're copying a gig of data you <i>should</i> be just fine... I'm not sure what the issue could be.

upgrade to usb 2.. it's not expensive...

I use a mac, with usb1.1 but mine just mounts like any flash drive would.
Try usbmon, which is downloadable somewhere. That might work.

Otherwise use a card reader. That always works, so long as your SD is OK.
Sorry, but that's not what I meant I can't find any thing about another drive or anything on my computer even though when I go to the remove hardware it says there's a usb mass storage device?

Dumb user plus slightly out of date computer equals dumb user who doesn't know what he's doing

Where on tiger
joeeoh posted on Dec 1 2005 at 06:47 PM said:
Sorry, but that's not what I meant I can't find any thing about another drive or anything on my computer even though when I go to the remove hardware it says there's a usb mass storage device?

Dumb user plus slightly out of date computer equals dumb user who doesn't know what he's doing

Where on tiger

Wassup, this is my understanding of things and could be wrong...

If your computer is out of date then its likely you've got USB 1.1 as opposed to USB 2.

USB 2 transfers data at a higher speed than 1.1 - but regardless you should still be able to transfer files to your gp2x, just not as quickly if you had USB 2.

When you say "I go to remove hardware", do you in control panel, Add/Remove Hardware - or are you refering to the little icon with the green arrow in the bottom left of your screen.

If its the latter then 'mass storage device' is referring to your gp2x.

Whenever you plug something into your computer via the USB port, to remove it you should always click on the little icon to safely remove - don't just pull the wire out.

Hope this helps.
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hm yes I'm referring to the little icon with the green arrow which refers to the GP2X as a usb mass strorage device but I can't find it any where in explorer so whats going on :huh: :huh: :o :o and just for the record I'm using a e-machine T1600 it's from around 2000 with XP
Whenever you plug something into your computer via the USB port, to remove it you should always click on the little icon to safely remove - don't just pull the wire out.

Actually, if we're talking Windows (XP) here, that isn't always true. There is a setting somewhere in the properties for stuff like USB pens that lets you just pull em out. I always just pull my USB pen out without doing anything else. Works just fine. I wouldn't guarantee that this option exists for every device though, so be careful.
Ferentix posted on Dec 1 2005 at 11:00 PM said:
Whenever you plug something into your computer via the USB port, to remove it you should always click on the little icon to safely remove - don't just pull the wire out.

Actually, if we're talking Windows (XP) here, that isn't always true. There is a setting somewhere in the properties for stuff like USB pens that lets you just pull em out. I always just pull my USB pen out without doing anything else. Works just fine. I wouldn't guarantee that this option exists for every device though, so be careful.

Same. USB flash drive is never, ever safely removed :P just hazardously.
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can someone please tell me how to locate my GP2X on my computer because I can't find it n e where
joeeoh posted on Dec 1 2005 at 11:14 PM said:
can someone please tell me how to locate my GP2X on my computer because I can't find it n e where
You should see it as a new harddrive when you open 'my computer'. If it isn't there do you have TweakUI installed or any other program that can hide drives (I did, to hide some of the 'drives' on my cardreader)
Upgrading to USB2 is pointless XP does not recognise the gp2x when it's connected to a USB2 port.

Edit: and once connected do go into utility and usb...
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It might be your card doesn't got any filesystem on it. Rightclick on My computer > Manage. There should be something like disk management. See if you can find your card as a disc there, it will probably be unformatted so rightclick and create a partion and choose a driveletter.

This is all from memory and it might not apply to you, but good luck. Oh, and GP2X USB support suck (at least for me) so it might be a good idea to invest in a card-reader.
Mr_Munk posted on Dec 1 2005 at 08:20 PM said:
Most people can't get there GP2X to register in WinXP, I can't get it to work on Mac either, you need a card reader dude. ;)
Ok I'll buy a card reader, I'm already kinda pissed because I already spent a $100 last night getting an SD card (1gig) <_< Just wish It would at least find it in explorer (sigh)
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