Can Anyone Recommend Some Good...


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
I posted this the other day but can't seem to find it, dont know if it was moved (I looked) or lost when the site went down.

Anyways, I was just wondering if you guys could give me some good recommendations.

I'm looking for some good genesis fighting games that a)work well at or near full speed on DrMD, running 156-166mhz, with okay working music, and B) that work well with only the genesis' stock 3 button control scheme?

I'm looking for street fighter type of games, where I can just play for a few minutes and put it back down if I need to, w/o worrying about saving or whatever.

Also, if you know of other good non fighting games like this, good for a few minutes at a time, please let me know!
Ok, let's do it again.
Mazing wars/Mazing Saga.
Put the Boss Rush code/cheat:
Fight the Bosses
In the game option screen, highlight Sound test, select Sound 18. The choose Sound effect test option and select Sound 72. Exit out of the sound mode and press start. This trick will allow you to fight the bosses without fighting through the levels.

A cool & hard 1 vs 1 game with Mazinger Z, Swords & giant sprites.
Only 3 buttons needed.

Another one:

Virtua Fighter vs Tekken 2!
It's a hacked rom of Virtua Fighter 2 for genesis... it's only OK but... Tekken in genesis! Nice!!!!! :P





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the question is, are these fighting games really playable with 3 buttons, or do they normally requiere a 6 button pad.

does "working well" means, it starts and doesn't crash?

someone said a few days ago the MK series work well. but i played them on a real mega drive and they requiered 6 button pads. otherwise you can't make special moves, because buttons are missing.
I haven't played it in DrMD (no GP32), but the Dragon Ball Z fighting game on megadrive is really cool and only need 3 buttons.

Also, you CAN do special moves in MK with a 3 button pad, I know, I had a rreal megadrive with MK and played it long before I got my 6 button pad.
Also VR Fighters looks and plays amazing, I think this may be a dumb show, but a beautiful and fast fighting game.