Calling All Artists


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
Not sure if this should go in general talk or development so feel free to move to another forum moderators.

I am currently working on several games which will form a pack of games with the theme of games you can play while travelling (the overall title will be 'Travel Games'). I dont want to give too much away on exactly what games they are as they are a surprise for the 3rd anniversary of on April 4th but think of things like board games, cards, pen and paper games, dice etc.. The games will all be seperate FXEs and will have a new themed launcher program, a new game will be released each day starting April 4th until I run out of games to release :)

At the moment I have written 6 new games (I have a total of 15 potential games so far) but they are in desperate need of graphics so I am asking for any artists that are interested in doing graphics for one of more of the games. The games themselves are fairly basic as they can all be played in real life in the back of a car so the graphics do not have to be brilliant but they do need to a good standard. No definate designs are made for any game so you will have near freedom of choice on how you want the game to look.

Also I would like suggestions for the themed launcher program, what I am currently thinking is a top down view of a map which the user can drive around, buildings on the map will represent the games that are installed so when a car drives to a building it will load the game etc.

If you are interested in drawing graphics for the games please reply back here and if you have any examples of previous work post a link to them so I can check them out. I will then contact any suitable person by PM with some more information on the project. There is a deadline of April 4th so I do need to act fairly fast on this.

I hope a few people can help out otherwise you will have loads of games with horrible graphics :)
Guyfawkes posted on Mar 4 2005 at 03:46 PM said:
Not sure if this should go in general talk or development so feel free to move to another forum moderators.

I am currently working on several games which will form a pack of games with the theme of games you can play while travelling (the overall title will be 'Travel Games'). I dont want to give too much away on exactly what games they are as they are a surprise for the 3rd anniversary of on April 4th. The games will all be seperate FXEs and will have a new themed launcher program, a new game will be released each day starting April 4th until I run out of games to release :)

At the moment I have written 6 new games (I have a total of 15 potential games so far) but they are in desperate need of graphics so I am asking for any artists that are interested in doing graphics for one of more of the games. The games themselves are fairly basic as they can all be played in real life in the back of a car so the graphics do not have to be brilliant but they do need to a good standard. No definate designs are made for any game so you will have near freedom of choice on how you want the game to look.

Also I would like suggestions for the themed launcher program, what I am currently thinking is a top down view of a map which the user can drive around, buildings on the map will represent the games that are installed so when a car drives to a building it will load the game etc.

If you are interested in drawing graphics for the games please reply back here and if you have any examples of previous work post a link to them so I can check them out. I will then contact any suitable person by PM with some more information on the project. There is a deadline of April 4th so I do need to act fairly fast on this.

I hope a few people can help out otherwise you will have loads of games with horrible graphics :)

i would love to help...
but i only draw things i can draw if you know what i mean.
what sorta things are you thinking of needing done. example?
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all the games are real life examples so theres no aliens or made up objects. without giving too much away think of things like board games, cards, dice etc.
Guyfawkes posted on Mar 4 2005 at 03:55 PM said:
all the games are real life examples so theres no aliens or made up objects. without giving too much away think of things like board games, cards, dice etc.

if i did do some for you, it wouldnt just be me would it?
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you can do graphics for one or more games. you are not forced into do graphics for say 3 games if only two people offer their services. its really down to how much you want to do to be honest. I will be grateful for anyone doing the graphics :)
If it`s just about making bitmap sprites, I would like to help you!

btw, your idea sounds really great, and the launcher idea is great, too!
depending on how much work would be involved for each game I would be more than happy to contribute, I am a little busy with uni at the mo but I'm sure I could spare some time.

What exactly would the work entail though? format for art work, kind of size, progs neccessary etc.

[edit] I type like a retard...
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Rik posted on Mar 4 2005 at 08:34 PM said:
I can help if you like. 

You can see some of my artwork here:

pixel artwork here:

and animation here:

Damn ! really nice work ;) extremly impressive :) sincerely extremly great work ;)

btw Guyfawkes your idea is fantastic & I would love to see more games like board games for our gp32_console :)
so please do your best for this & you got my whole support :)

I am sure that Rik is the men of the situation for all your Gfx ;p be sure he'll do amazing works :) his arts got some charm & design which are damn great & would give warm to every board games :)
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I could help, but only for maskot/character graphics for the title screen/game helper etc. (I doodle these kinds of things all the time):


That's my mighty Windows Paint skills at work. ;) I suck completely at drawing on the computer (the front half of the head is drawn using a pencil, the back using a mouse). However, I could probably do something quite nice by hand (including colouring) & then scan it. :ph34r:

P.S. That's really nice pixel work, DaveC :o Must've taken you ages...

I tried pixelwork myself once, but IMO it's way too tiresome... sketching is so much quicker. ;
I could do some interface type graphics with buttons etc. I did this MP3 player skin for the PPC a few years ago. You can't see it here but when you press the buttons they light up, and animate. It is pixel art, my PS skillz aren't the best.

Thanks for the replys so far, much appreciated. I will give it until Monday for anyone that hasnt seen this topic then I will PM everyone with further information on the games and what needs to be done.
I'd be up for it as well - I mainly do comic books and canvas prints, but they'd possibly lend themselves well to a computer game.

I've got pictures and comic book samples on my website -

Sounds good anyhow!!

I have PMed everyone that is interested in doing graphics with some more information on the project. If you havent received a PM let me know.
