Active Member

Tickets: 12 quid
Byte Back 2009 is a two day retro gaming event that will be taking place on the weekend of 7-8th March 2009 at Bidds Live Music Club in Stoke-on-Trent.
All profits from the event will be donated to our choice of two charities, the RSPCA and The Donna Louise Trust.
The event aims to unite gamers of all ages in a celebration of the entire history of video games, from classic arcade machines and 8-bit home computers like the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64, to consoles from Atari, Sega and Nintendo, all the way up to the latest generation of systems such as the Playstation 3, XBOX 360 and Wii.
Along with the opportunity to play all those classic video games you enjoyed in your youth, the event will feature numerous competitions, guest speakers from the gaming industry, showcases of homebrew games and dealers offering a range of gaming merchandise. And don't forget there's a bar too!
Tickets for the weekend are available online now!
whos comming on that event ? Maybe i will go aswell [ its far away from Ipswich , but maybe... ]