Buying From Gbax - 166 Or 164!?


Jan 11, 2005
They are out of 166mhz but offered me a 164mhz. Should I just take it? I have to wait a week or more (been 1 week already) for the 166's.

What should I do!?!? :D Is it going to make my software incompatable?

Its only a solution as we wait for our new GP32's to arrive from GP incase you want the GP32 quickly, gives 164mhz option. You of course can wait or go 160mhz and get a discount :)

craigix, when are the 166 back in stock? I ordered one on Sunday but was given the option of a 164 on Tuesday due to a delay, I was told this delay is approx a week so I decided to wait.

I got a 164 instead of 166 and DrMD is amazing at 144 and 164, I wouldn't worry about the extra 2 mhz.

I haven't tried out any other emus, just homebrew games, and everything works fine at 164 that has the option for it.
Do games only run @ 166 mhz? If games choose what speed to run, what does an overclocked CPU give you? Basically is the OC only usefull for things built for it specifically?

Do games only run @ 166 mhz? If games choose what speed to run, what does an overclocked CPU give you? Basically is the OC only usefull for things built for it specifically?

Overclocking is handled within the software on the GP32. In some cases, you cannot choose what speed you want a program to run at (like commercial games and some homebrews). However, most of the emulators will allow you to choose what you would like to run the emulator at (such as 133mhz, 156mhz, 166mhz, etc..).

The higher the mhz, the better the game or app will run. However, you don't need a specific speed to make a game run (usually).
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I've got a 166MHz GP32 but always play on DrMD at 164MHz because higher overclocks don't seem to make any difference whatsoever. Even 172MHz runs the same as 164MHz.
I may just go for the 164, the wait is killing me, I've downloaded loads of emulators and roms and can't wait to get going.
I've just received confirmation from GBAX that they will have the 166's in by Thursday / Friday. So I am going to wait. Cheers
well i'm glad they contacted you, i have to wait 2-3 days to get a damn response from them.. :unsure:
If I were in this situation, I'd wait, but that's not really a balanced judgement, because I do have a working FLU to tie me over while I wait. :P

I know they said the mhz mods are done by varying the cpu's power supply, but what happened to the theory that the RAM quality had an effect? The response time for the RAM could definately compliment or nullify the cpu speed.