Buying A Gp2x?


So, I've been reading those forums now for quite a while, and I'm not really sure about I should buy one of those great toys or not. I hope you could answer some of my questions regarding the usabillity of the gp2x.

I've read that there is a very good Genesis/Master System/Game Gear Emulator around here ( DrMDx and AlexKidd or something like that ) but what's that 'very good' exactly? Is that good considering that the gp2x is a handheld and that it can emulate those devices or is it a 'very good' for a user that just wants to play some retro games? And the music isn't so important, if it can run fullspeed without music, I'll play without it.

And I also read about the Nes-Emulators, it looks like there are some new ones coming up in the last time, fishyNES and Gpfce, but are they already running at fullspeed? I mean, there were a problem with nes emus I think for a time, but there is also a SNES-Emu around, that plays around 30 fps, so a good NES emulation should be possible..

The GBX-Emu, how well are the GB and GBC games running? Again, by the view of a gamer, not someone who just totally freaks out if he just can see the GB-Logo on the gp2x, even if it is running at 2fps.

And the Jazz Jackrabbit interpreter, is it still under development or is it cancelled?

And is there something like a line for the MAME emu where the games aren't running well? I mean, is it possible to say, all the games befor 1990 are running fullspeed or something?

And for the final question, I've programmed some games in Basic and Flash ( Don't laugh ;) ) because I prefered not having to mess around with the graphics to much. So, what is the better language to start developping for the gp2x; Fenix, C++ or Phyton? BTW, I'm running a Mac.

Thanks a lot for reading and maybe answering my question and please forgive my english, I'm Swiss and still a student.

Cheers, David

Edit: Oh, and what's the best shop to order one to the swiss? The one from EvilDragon?
I can't reply to any of that...
But I'm also interrested in answers as I'm looking too for a GP2X.

Just one more question: SNES: how good id I 0.37a (or something like hacked version with auto FS)?

Thanks for your time

see you :lol:
I've read that there is a very good Genesis/Master System/Game Gear Emulator around here ( DrMDx and AlexKidd or something like that ) but what's that 'very good' exactly? Is that good considering that the gp2x is a handheld and that it can emulate those devices or is it a 'very good' for a user that just wants to play some retro games? And the music isn't so important, if it can run fullspeed without music, I'll play without it.
As for DrMDx all roms run fullspeed with sound, megadrive and sms.

And I also read about the Nes-Emulators, it looks like there are some new ones coming up in the last time, fishyNES and Gpfce, but are they already running at fullspeed? I mean, there were a problem with nes emus I think for a time, but there is also a SNES-Emu around, that plays around 30 fps, so a good NES emulation should be possible..
NES emulation is pretty much fullspeed. fishyNES did have some issues that were later resolved. GPfce does all the stuff you want quite flawlessly.

The GBX-Emu, how well are the GB and GBC games running? Again, by the view of a gamer, not someone who just totally freaks out if he just can see the GB-Logo on the gp2x, even if it is running at 2fps.
I run GNUboy underclocked to about 120mhz and all of the games run fullspeed. ZeldaDX never felt so smooth.

And the Jazz Jackrabbit interpreter, is it still under development or is it cancelled?
I am a total Jazz Jackrabbit fanboi, too. AFAIK the interpreter is being developed by people not directly involved in the gp2x scene and therefor only ported so we first have to wait for a new x86 release. I am not sure if it is still being worked on but I am hoping ;-)

And is there something like a line for the MAME emu where the games aren't running well? I mean, is it possible to say, all the games befor 1990 are running fullspeed or something?
All the classics definetly work. Fullspeed is always a matter of overclocking but heavily depends on the game. If you want to play pac-man, moonlander, galaga88 and donkey kong then you have no worries. Neogeo and CPS games have some speed issues but there is gngeo which emulates everything very very close to fullspeed with a little tweaking.

And for the final question, I've programmed some games in Basic and Flash ( Don't laugh ;) ) because I prefered not having to mess around with the graphics to much. So, what is the better language to start developping for the gp2x; Fenix, C++ or Phyton? BTW, I'm running a Mac.
Go for fenix if you need something easy. Basic is simpler but fenix does a lot of stuff for you and is easy to understand. If you want to go for a more advanced language, try python and the pyGame library. C++ is the most complete road to take but quite complicated for programming noobs. I can't do a lot in c++ either, as I am too lazy to learn.
Thanks a lot for the answers, xnopasaranx (Mostly exact the things I wanted to hear ;)). And also thanks to smx for the info about the other shop, didn't know it before, but since I speak german, I think I'll stick with

Cheers, David
How do you underclock for gnu-boy? is there a new version i dont know about?
not many
but unzipping isnt that hard

yer sorry i thought there was a new gnuboy which u could over-clock in the menu