Race! Emulator


Still Fresh
Jul 10, 2007
Ever since my GP2X I've wanted to play the classic NeoGeo Pocket Color titles, especially Cardfighters Clash. The problem is that I can't get RACE! to run. Ive tried many times and last night I thought to myself, "Ok I'll give this 1 hour to get that damn thing started" but even then I failed. Except for NGPC I have managed to install and play emulators for nearly every other platforms (NES,MDS,SNES,SMS,C64,Amiga,GB,GBA,PSX,CPS2) so I can't be a total screwup.. or atleast I try to think so.

Is it too much to ask for someone to write a simple front end for this Emu? I have tried to use the Selector frontend but no such luck there. At the moment I'll continue to play NGPC on my computer since I rather play games than spending hours trying to get an emulator up and running.

Sorry about the ranting but I'm a little frustrated right now :D
Heh - I had the same problem when first got the gp2x - it was probably the first emulator I played around with and I gave up as well - guessed I was doing something wrong.
Hopefully someone can give you some pointers; don't suppose there's a torrent available with it all setup already?
the roms maust be named in lower case name and short name without space.
Sorry, I'm trying to get some stuff setup to make it a little easier on ya guys, but it'll take me awhile (I'm a complete idiot when it comes to coding... but I like to do it ;) )

Please note what Yod4z said, as it seems to be a major problem...

If nothing else I'll make a small guide on getting it going at some point if I don't make it just plain easier :P
Hooka said:
Sorry, I'm trying to get some stuff setup to make it a little easier on ya guys, but it'll take me awhile (I'm a complete idiot when it comes to coding... but I like to do it ;) )

Please note what Yod4z said, as it seems to be a major problem...

If nothing else I'll make a small guide on getting it going at some point if I don't make it just plain easier :P

Me to, got the games I want to play and cant get the emu to run :(.........

and i refuse to run on pc emu lol, after playing gba on gp2x im not playing it on my 19" monitor anymore, it looks better on the gp2x :)

same goes for ngpc im sure :)
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Ok, so to highlight a couple important things first:

1. it expects to find roms in SD:/roms/ngpc

2. rom names must be short, no weird characters, etc.

3. if you don't want to use SD:/roms/ngpc, then you'll have to modify selector... also, without this directory it'll just crash almost instantaneously...

If this doesn't help you for the time being, just post here again, and hopefully I'll notice!
The NGPC emulator is one of my favourites.
Just one thing though, it doesn't seem to recognise diagonals when using a d-pad modded GP2X.
Other than that I think it's excellent! :)
Scoca: is the dpad mod just using the four ordinals then? If you have some information on it, let me know and I'll atleast take a look :)
Hooka said:
Scoca: is the dpad mod just using the four ordinals then? If you have some information on it, let me know and I'll atleast take a look :)
As you say, I believe it is using only the four ordinals , it's the d-pad mod as performed by EvilDragon (an N-gage QD Pad?)

The game I noticed on was Dark Arms: Beast Busters. The little fella won't move diagonally.
I'm sure he used to on my old NGPC.

Thankyou for taking a look, it's appreciated. :)
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Just did some thorough testing to see what kind of rom names RACE likes/dislikes:
1. Spaces are ok.
2. Exclamation marks and regular brackets are ok (haven't tested other symbols yet).
3. Upper and lower cases are ok including mixed.
4. 18 characters or more and emulator will crash when trying to load rom (spaces count as a character).

Therefore 17 is the sweet spot! I recommend also removing spaces so you can see as much of file name as possible. 17 characters isn't much to work with. ;)
Hooka said:
imhotep: Thanks for checking that out, I'll see if I can change that...
Glad I could help.

Is zip support a possibility at some point?
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Ahh it's not that important really, just curious. The emulator is really good anyway.