Button Layout Poll

Which layout would you prefer?

  • ABXY (Xbox layout)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BAYX (Nintendo layout)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ABCD (NeoGeo layout)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NSEW (compas layout)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1234 (generic layout)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I just had to register when I saw this thread.

The first thing I thought when I saw the Pandora pic was "What the heck, the ABXY buttons are in the wrong spots. :blink: ".

Put me down for whatever the SNES used. :lol: The Playstation shapes are also fine with me....but messing with the ABXY positions is just confusing; the SNES layout is forever burned into my motor skills!
Sobek said:
I for one liked the concept that *Insert-name-I-can't-remember* did with the Greek letters. It's very original and most of the emulated game really only have A and B as the "core" action buttons.
I for one liked the concept that Frogboy did with the Greek letters. It's very original and most of the emulated game really only have A and B as the "core" action buttons.

Thanks. You could even keep the ABXY by using Apha <A>, Beta <B>, Chi <X> and Upsilon <Y> and have the best of both worlds if you wanted to. :)
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Korean chars were also created to be simple by some of China's greatest exiled academics.

ㄱ, ㄴ, ㅁ, ㅇ basically means g, n, m, ng

The Vowles are also directional. ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ meaning a, eo, o, u. Directions will make them easy to remember and be able to subconciously click when requested.

But overall, it's best to keep them from the English Alphabet, so when games are coded, it's easy to say "Press A" rather than finding a font for greek or hangul symbols.
icurafu said:
Korean chars were also created to be simple by some of China's greatest exiled academics.

ㄱ, ㄴ, ㅁ, ㅇ basically means g, n, m, ng

The Vowles are also directional. ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ meaning a, eo, o, u. Directions will make them easy to remember and be able to subconciously click when requested.

But overall, it's best to keep them from the English Alphabet, so when games are coded, it's easy to say "Press A" rather than finding a font for greek or hangul symbols.
True, but you could still say "Press A" if you didn't want to go through the trouble and everyone would know what you were talking about. Visually, the letters still look like ABXY even if they techniquely have different names in greek. A lot of people don't know what upsilon is, they are just going to call it Y.
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Frogboy said:
icurafu said:
Korean chars were also created to be simple by some of China's greatest exiled academics.

ㄱ, ㄴ, ㅁ, ㅇ basically means g, n, m, ng

The Vowles are also directional. ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ meaning a, eo, o, u. Directions will make them easy to remember and be able to subconciously click when requested.

But overall, it's best to keep them from the English Alphabet, so when games are coded, it's easy to say "Press A" rather than finding a font for greek or hangul symbols.
True, but you could still say "Press A" if you didn't want to go through the trouble and everyone would know what you were talking about. Visually, the letters still look like ABXY even if they techniquely have different names in greek. A lot of people don't know what upsilon is, they are just going to call it Y.

That's a good point. It would be kind of cool. I just don't want my Pandora looking like a frat. :P

Plus, we'd still have to decide what order we want them in.
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1. I don't want this thing getting sued.

2. I don't give a crap if the buttons have pictures of fruit and poo on them.

3. Probably numbers would be best.

4. It really doesn't matter what you call them unless people are playing who look at their keypad instead of the screen.

5. Call them anything you like as long as the bottom action key is the action button (My hand gets a ridiculous and frustrating cramp trying to hold onto the edge of such a small device), AND the go forward button, I hate the edge button for go forward. The bottom button needs to be go forward, and the left/right go back, and the top button be cancel.

6. How about geometric 3D knock offs of the PSX? Pyramid/Cube/Torus/3D X?
USB. Make the numbers match how the keypad is detected in software.

Also numbers. BUT In Roman Numerals!

Unless 1 will be GO and 2 will be CANCEL, numbers would feel much more awkward than letters would. People have stronger ties to the order of numbers than they do to the order of letters.
I agree with Alex on how numbers would feel somewhat awkward, nor I do not think using the Gree alphabet either is the best idea either.
I love the idea personally, but for people who does not know the Greek alphabet it would be awkward during a "Press the Gamma button to continue".
And it would probably make people frustrated and make them scream out stuff along the lines of "why the f**k did they choose some f**cking symbols?!"

If we are all for a completely original why not use 'P' '&' '|' 'A' :P

But in all honesty, I don't really care as long as I can map them myself.