Am I The Only One? (Please Read Before Voting)

How will you use the ABXY buttons? (please read before voting)

  • Once I learn the button assignments for each application, I will remember them and use them in that

    Votes: 30 41.7%
  • I'll configure the buttons my way if the application offers that option

    Votes: 26 36.1%
  • I'll use any necessary OS-level tool (xmodmap, scripting) so I could force applications that don't o

    Votes: 16 22.2%

  • Total voters

WizardStan said:
B-ZaR said:
Awakening said:
Wouldn't it be nice if we can somewhere in the OS select the Accept and Back buttons?

Hmm, aliases for the buttons...
If it is done correctly, going through the OS rather than directly to the hardware, then it is possible and very easy to set the A button to always return the key code for the A button when the A button is pressed, regardless of where the A button is.
You could set any key on the keyboard to return the key code for any other key regardless of what it actually said on the key itself.
You could create mapping files that are loaded just before your program and unloaded after it. Imagine a mapping file that mapped the enter key to the same key code as the Start button that is loaded as part of the SNES emulator start. Then you can pause by pressing either the Start button or the Enter key.
This already exists and has been discussed many, many times, and even brought up in this very thread! Why is there still any hesitation or debate about it?

I meant something like BUTTON_OK define that actually maps to BUTTON_A or something. This BUTTON_OK definition could be used by application developers to implement an "OK" functionality. Similarly, there could be a BUTTON_BACK. I think this is what the OP was after. The "OK" button should be the same between apps whatever it is, preferably the "BACK" button as well. The OP is concerned that because the button layout does not give a logical choice for the "main button", developers will choose different ones. Some based on the letters and some based on the button's location. If there was a BUTTON_OK alias devs could all use that to signify "that button that is pressed to do stuff" and it would nicely map to that same physical button in all applications.
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I'd like the layout like on the EU/US Playstations, X is enter/confirm/execute while B is escape/cancel/exit. A and Y doesn't have many applications outside the games if you ask me, but could possibly serve as an easy way to copy/paste. Combining with L/R/other keys they might even serve other functions, such as (de)select line/page, and things like that.

But regarding what actual letter is embossed into the key, I couldn't care less. The mapping is the important bit, and they're not alphanumerical keys despite their inscriptions.
I don't really give a shit.
Every proper application has a config somewhere that lets you re-arrange buttons in software, and if it doesn't, I could just get the source and add that myself. (Assuming it's open-source)

I don't care at all. The buttons could all have different obscene words on them. It would be fine.
timofonic said:
Senor Quack said:
Do you want an issue that's actually worth caring about?

Here, I'll give it to you:

It would me much better to provide a standard way of reading the buttons, kind of like /dev/GPIO on the GP2X for all applications or libraries to use. This way, there will always be an added layer that allows for user-customizable button remapping no matter what the author provided for. The way it is now on the GP2X, only apps using SDL can use my Open2X button remapping. If they read the registers directly or used Rlyeh's minlib, there's no way to remap the buttons.

I agree totally. A standard device/wrapper for all apps is the way to go. Plus a standard for all Pandora apps to able to read where is each key and show it correcty the references to each button based on user preferences.

This way, all guys wanting different button mapping will be happy. Everyone will be happy... even developers, those rare to find humans that can do computer programming.

The button mapping configuration for Pandora could show you where to place each key in a visual drag and drop form. Then you could map generic actions and such (A for fire/action/..., B for Back/cancel/..., X for ..., Y for ...). This would require some analysys of games on a lot of systems to see how they map and such, and see the most feasible approach to address it (I don't know what one).

Word up, we should all get behind this and push, now is the opportunity to avoid the hell to come and set a standard.
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I agree. I'm very afraid this being quite undervalued by OpenPandora Team.

Someone from the OpenPandora Team can reply about this? Please...
Can the people that hate polls stop entering and complaining?
DroneB Dev said:
Can the people that hate polls stop entering and complaining?

This is an internet forum, what did you expect? :D
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