Bulk Pnd Download From Pandora Apps

I wish there was a page (or program) you could go to that just listed all the PND in the repo and the ones already installed on your system with checkboxes beside them, so you could check the ones you wanted and uncheck the ones you don't. Then, click one button to install them. With maybe a way to filter the list with keywords, and maybe a way to toggle the sections (possibly on the left)... I'm pretty sure someone has already invented a way to do this already. [/sarcasm]
Now that there are so many updates all over the shop it can be quite a headache to be sure that you are on the latest & greatest. I think of the Pandora in a "Beta" period, so I just want the newest releases of everything, even if untested. That way I can do my bit and test the new PND's and then report back to the dev in the forum.

Therefore I have a few suggestions for apps.open-pandora.org

- Have two main sections. 1.) "Official releases, tested programs that the developer has given a final stamp of approval" 2.) "BETA Lounge. Latest updates and software, not yet fully tested."

Why? So that I can get the latest *.pnds as soon as they are out, but clearly separate from the official releases. This avoids people being grumpy about regression bugs.

- Application bundles.

Similar to gruso, but not quite so broad! I'd like to be able to download a whole bunch of *pnd's at once. EG: "Console Pack". All emulators for console sysyems. "Application Pack." All system application and productivity PND's.

These bundles will be more important when the software matures, because currently I check every day for updates. (official app page, the Pandora file archive and the beta test thread). When the software is mature, I'll enjoy just checking back every few months to download all the updates.

These are my suggestions, no problem if they are considered fubar!
i've not used one for ages, but there are site spiders/scrapers that you can set a file type filter against.
I hear they were excellent for ripping jpgs from "pay sites"
craigix said:
I can probably code a 'download everything' button in to pandora apps.
If you do, I advise against publishing it. Risk of some bot coming along and grabbing the link a few dozen times exists.
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