build ur own frontlight, is it possible?


Still Fresh
Jun 5, 2003
i will get my gp tomorrow, i hope so ;)
it`s one without frontlight....
is it possible to build it on my own? is there any kit, like the afterburner or so?
or is it possible to build it with a afterburner? i only saw gp`s with light inside, but no "do it ur self kits"!
please excuse my english and my non-knowledge ;)
and also don`t be annoyed, if this question was discusted thousand times before....

peter alias spooky-x-
The afterburner is too small for the gp32 screen so that won't work. The gp32 has a 3.5" screen like many pdas (mostly pocket pcs). So you would think you might be able to find a replacement front light that would fit, but I haven't seen any. Something like this would be perfect, but nobody sells individual units like this.
mhhhh, shit :(
but from where do iksang or get their frontlight....
is there no solution? is the only way to have frontlight, to buy a gp wtith already one inside?
ohhh, my grammar is worse :-P
All the stores buy it from Hahnotech and Hahnotech is some light company specilized in lights that fits the light (I think) and Hanotech buys it from gamepark (I think). And Hahnotech should come out with a kit sometime (I think)

This message has been brought to you by the 'I think' socciety (I think)
Is that a joke or did I write it wrong?? I think it is Hahnotech...

EDIT: Oops, someone answered the question when I was posting :P

REEDIT: Ohh, I just noticed that you were in Germany, what city, because I live in Hannover :)
Hmm... Maybe I can find a way to replace my Gp32 screen with the screen from my old Casio E125 hehe
That would be nice:)
Maybe I could build a hybrid that used one display and both the gp32 AND my Casio E125:)
Me and my dreams,
They are about as probable as Michael Jackson regaining his credibility ;)
if im correct somone emailed Hahotech(sp??) and they said they would sell it for $30 or install for $50

either way youd be out of the differnce for the frontlit unit itself because of shipping
I emailed them last wednesday and STILL haven't gotten a response <_< I'm starting to think that whole thing (they will install it tho...) was a hoax GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :( <_<