The Big Wad Bolf.

Cameras today filming a wool theft in progress, caught sight of a cat being sucked up into the space ship. God rest his furry soul.
Whoooweee what a story…. They should make a B film of this!!!
Anyway, before you think I have just gone insane in the ole’ membrane here, this is the plot of Bubsy, a cute game that’s pretty much cross platform in the old days of the 16 bit consoles!

He’s a cat with attitude, his one liners slice through your chuckle muscles like a spoon through concrete. It’s up to Bubsy to stop the aliens nicking all the worlds supply of wool. “BALLS” I hear you shout. Yes that right, they are stealing balls of wool!

These are mad, and come in all shapes and sizes. From big nosed ones with killer hair, to rampant pianos that plink around sounding the way a concert pianist doesn’t. First time I played this game, I almost died laughing at the sheer stupid’ness of them all. Why the heck do they want to steal all our wool we will never know, but I think the point is that they are criminals, and have got to be stopped goddamit!
As Mr Burns would say “Eeeeexelent”. Lovely bright colourful backdrops with superb sprite animations. Bubsy himself has a mass of ways to die, and the aliens really look alive and ‘nicking’.

I thought the sound was very cute. Even though He’s a cat, Bubsy sounds a little bit like bugs bunny.
The music is catchy and boppy, and the aliens make the appropriate crash, bop and tinkle noises. Although the audio isn’t the games strongest point, it very much makes it fun!
Listen to Bubsy
Game Play
It’s a 2D platformer, jump on Aliens to kill em, bounce on springy tree branches, float down from heights and even ride roller coasters. This game has it all. It even has the old Sonic speedup as He runs down ramps! The difficulty level can get annoying sometimes though as you will find yourself dying a lot. But you’re a cat with 9 lives, and if you pick up white T shirts, you get more lives! It’s pretty forgiving really.
The best version I have seen runs on DrMD. It’s VERY faithful to the version I love on the SNES. Even has Bubsys voice! Go on, give it a try!!!
Exceedingly fun. Excellent platformer that can get a little difficult quite quickly. But there’s something about this game that keeps dragging me back for more. Guess it’s one of my fave games!!!