Hi All,
Just to let you know I've got my version of Bruce Lee running on GP2X now
BruceLee Zip image
BruceLee Rar image
Enjoy and let me know what you think.
PS, before you mention music and sound fx, as with Lotty's Lines, I've not got music and sound working yet, I'm not using SDL, and I only got my GP2X at Xmas, and not had much spare time to fully play yet!
I'll be adding sound and music to both soon.
PS, joypad for directional movement, and A,B,X or Y to punch. (or jumping kick if pressing left or right also)
Start = Pause.
Vol-Dn + Start = EXIT APP.
Just to let you know I've got my version of Bruce Lee running on GP2X now
BruceLee Zip image
BruceLee Rar image
Enjoy and let me know what you think.
PS, before you mention music and sound fx, as with Lotty's Lines, I've not got music and sound working yet, I'm not using SDL, and I only got my GP2X at Xmas, and not had much spare time to fully play yet!
I'll be adding sound and music to both soon.
PS, joypad for directional movement, and A,B,X or Y to punch. (or jumping kick if pressing left or right also)
Start = Pause.
Vol-Dn + Start = EXIT APP.