Breakout Box / Cradle Coming In Late December

Personally, this is what is going to push the GP2X into "perfect little machine" land for my purposes. It's going to address all the things I wanted to use my GP2X for. I'm quite happy with it docking like that, meaning I can leave the dock in my living room, extra joypads and things already hooked up, ready for action. I'm also very unconcerned about the Hi-Fi (or lack thereof) as I could never surf the web in 320x240, personally. I'd get fed up with it really quick. Especially without a mouse and keyboard.

The docking station concept is excellent, but for people who travel a lot, the GP2x has
the potential to become an incredible companion. And for me that would need networking
(wifi + ethernet) and keyboard input. A lightweight clipon keyboard with wifi/eth0/usb would
add such an extra dimension.

Yeh, sure you could buy a $$$ pda, but hey, I already carry a mobile phone, an mp3 player
and very often a laptop. I'd love the ability to run Openoffice apps and go online from something
i could fit in my pocket, not to mention that standard networking hw+drivers could open up
all sorts of avenues for games - anyone remember the first days of networked doom or
the first time they went online from home micro?

The GP2x has the processing power and the interface already built in. Why favour a "real" pda?

Hmm, ditch the phone and mp3 player and get a BlackBerry or Treo...everyone else get a laptop. Not trying to hate, but these things do wifi/keyboard/etc. much better even in comparison to the all-in-one GP2X solution being described here.
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well it would be good just for the mouse and keyoard (as you know ai dont rly care for wi-fi) because playing those old computer emus with an actual keyboard and mouse whould be great
Hmm, seems the dock is also going to come with a cable to connect the gp2x to the BoB, wonder how long its going to be? Ok, so it looks sexy on the dock, but a cable will mean the gp2x is usable while connected to the BoB, which would be a huge plus!

As for USB WiFi, who cares? Once the SD Wifi+Storage cards become mainstream (and therefore, shouldnt be long till someone makes an open source kernel module for it), you never know, maybe some makes will already be supported via patches like the one mentioned here , so again, its the waiting game, or you could just try to make your own :)


And to the people that keep saying *buy a laptop* I have one, but its battery life is terrible! And it wont fit in my pocket :P
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why is everyone so obsessed with wi-fi?? what is there to really gain from having it on your 2x??

well it could be easier to download roms straight onto ur sd without the use of usb :ph34r: :lol:

That's... really dumb. It'd be much faster and easier with a card reader...
It would significantly reduce the chances of the SD card falling to bits from continuous removal in my opinion. I'm willing to wait a little longer for transfers if need be.
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why is everyone so obsessed with wi-fi?? what is there to really gain from having it on your 2x??

well it could be easier to download roms straight onto ur sd without the use of usb :ph34r: :lol:

That's... really dumb. It'd be much faster and easier with a card reader...

...maybe on your what the hell good is that card reader going to do you if you want to pull down some new emu or rom while your remote?

I think most people are forgetting the fact that having the "ability to" surf the net when they want to is nice. Its the resolution that will cripple it(imo)
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