Beats of Rage Xtra DCEvo Remake v1.0
Released for Dreamcast by
-Beats of Rage-
Beats of Rage by Team Senile is an independetly produced open source tribute to SEGA's Streets of Rage series. It has been ported to DC by Neill Corlett.
Team Senile (creators of BoR)
Neill Corlett (DC port)
L@ Cible (PAL & rumble support)
-Beats of Rage Xtra-
Similar to BoR Remix by Mr.Q, BoR Xtra is an update of the original Beats of Rage, that provides some additional characters to choose from. Dreamcast version created by Christuserloeser for
BoR Resource Page (original sprite rips)
BoR Xtra 32 (original Mod)
BoR32 (BoR for GP32)
DCEvolution (DC version)
-The New Characters-
Rock Howard, ripped by Justin Clarke, 02/23/2004
Terry Bogart, ripped by Hokutoy, 02/17/2004
Mai Shinranui, ripped by Mr.Q, 02/28/2004
Evy aka Vanessa, ripped by Mr.Q, 02/19/2004
All characters are © SNK/Playmore
* Four new Characters added to the original BoR!
* Replaced the punching sound with original 'Streets of Rage 2' fx
* Changed title screen & added new character selection screen
* Fixed & polished ALL speech & sound fx (nothing major though)
* Completly redid the Walk animations of Evy from scratch
* Speeded up all characters, e.g. Max ('Speed = 7' set to 'Speed = 8')
* Added rain to Scene3
* Lots of other minor things here and there...
I read about BoR Xtra 32 at the message boards a few months ago. It was no common mod, just some kind of an add-on to the original BoR with some of the characters taken from the BoR resource page -
The problem was that because of the high number of playable characters and the sprite limit in BoR, BoR Xtra 32 refused to work with all available BoR engines except BoR32 for GamePark32 which it had been compiled for.
I was kinda curious how this mod would be like, so when I found the time I began to play around with the plain files of BoR Xtra 32. I noticed that the character cast didn't fit into BoR that good and decided to exclude all characters that were either somewhat unfinished (mainly missing a few animations and/or voice samples) or already were playable in other BoR mods (Ryu, Guy, etc).
I went thru all characters and kept Terry Bogart, Rock Howard and Mai Shiranui from the Garou (aka Fatal Fury) series, as they actually fit quite perfectly into the original BoR design. All three of them are very well done by the people who had ripped them: Big thanks to you! ...and of course SNK for creating them : )
During the test playing I fell in love with Evy aka Vanessa, ripped by Mr.Q - a really great character to play BoR with. The only drawback was, that in my opinion Evy's original walking animation just didn't fit with BoR, so it looked like she was flying thru the stages. It made me start to work on some proper walking animation. I began to copy, paste and modify existing frames to get some fluent motion.
It didn't turned out the way I intended but I hope you ppl can live with the result now looks like she's dancing thru the stages ^_^
-BoR Remix-
At that time Mr.Q released BoR Remix, which took the add-on idea of BoR Xtra even further and added new music, new sound FX / voice samples and new cut scenes into the original BoR. It's a very well done modification of the original BoR and it included some of the characters that were also included with BoR Xtra 32 - like Ryu and even Evy! I had a look at her, maybe she was updated? I noticed that though she actually was updated and modified, so e.g. there finally was a proper Jump-Kick animation ...but because of the different colors of the sprite rips, I couldn't add that animation to the BoR Xtra Evy - although I tried to modify the colors...
-BoR Xtra DC-
After adding a new title and character select screen and even playing around with most sound fx and voice samples, I realized that what I did already turned out to be very different to the original version. While BoR Remix had new music and a whole new cast of characters, I choosed to stay with the initial thought that I had when I first read about BoR Xtra: The complete, basicly unmodified Beats of Rage, with just a few minor changes and some additional characters.
-Future Versions?-
Yes, I actually think about that. There are lots of things that I would like to add or change but I don't really feel the need to do so atm. BoR Xtra DC in its current version is my first attempt of a mod, so I might get back to it when I'm more expierenced and I have the time and inspiration...
I would never done any modding without the existance of the original Beats of Rage for Dreamcast; all the great mods that I've played - and of course it never would have been possible without the people who ripped the characters and released them for use with BoR.
So my greets go out to the BoR modding scene: Thank you for your great work and I hope you like my DC remake/update/version/whatever of BoR Xtra.
Additional Notes:
-Hokutoy about his Terry Bogart for BoR release-
Terry's Double Special Combo:
(1) PUSH & HOLD Attack Button for 1 second.
(2) With Attack Button still pressed, push Special Button
(3) When Special Move is still being performed, release Attack Button
"This performs a Special Move / Power Geiser Combo at a distant enemy for MAX DAMAGE!!!"