As most of the other bluetooth/A2DP threads are old, I thought I would post here. I got BT/A2DP working with Gnome Mplayer and my UConnect system in my car. Works fine. Controls aren't very conducive to driving, but it works. In another thread, someone asked for a script to switch alsa devices so I thought I would share mine.
# Script to enable bluetooth sound output for devices
# You need to create .asoundrc.<device> files for each device with the device MAC
echo "(1) OT Tag - Earbuds or (2) Uconnect - Jeep or (3) Internal"
echo -n "Which sound device do you want? "
read device
# rm .asoundrc
if [ "$device" = "1" ];then
cp .asoundrc.otbttag .asoundrc
elif [ "$device" = "2" ];then
cp .asoundrc
elif [ "$device" = "3" ];then
cp .asoundrc.internal .asoundrc
echo "Your sound device is set to $device"
echo "Don't forget to set your sound device to alsa in your application"
#end of script
So I have asoundrc files, one for each device in my case, my OT Bluetooth Tags (headphones), the UConnect system in my car and the P's speakers. Hopefully you get the idea. For all you real programmers, there are certainly more elegant ways but this works. You can modify this script for however many devices you have. My guess is that it will work for any player that uses alsa and is installed on the nand. I don't think it will work for anything. Althought Deadbeef is uses alas, it won't work from SD. Would be nice if this could be a lot easier. Next nifty step might be to integrate this with the bluetooth applet to allow you to switch from there and set up a profile for each device that only included the MAC address.