Blu+ Screen


Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2005
so how do the blu en the blu+ compare to each other while playing in sunlight?
i have a blu and it really is very hard to see anything at all.. while in sunlight it becomes a mirror..
i want to play games in sunlight.. whats the best option for me? maybe even a NLU?
it's almost summer, almost fday..
i think a flu would be a good option...
i have a nlu and you can see really good in sunlight but if its getting dark you cant see anything.
with a flu you can see in sunlight and if its dark so i think a flu is a really good option :)
Yeah, those transflective screens always have look bad in sunlight, if the screen cover reflects the light its even worse. A NLU/FLU is probably much better under such circumstances.
Yeah, those transflective screens always have look bad in sunlight, if the screen cover reflects the light its even worse. A NLU/FLU is probably much better under such circumstances.

Transflective is a type of LCD flat-panel display. Transflective LCDs combine the best features of transmissive and reflective LCDs. Specifically, transflective displays are equally readable in both bright sunlight and low-light situations.

Normal frontlit reflective displays are easily readable in sunlight, but difficult to read in low-light situations. Normal transmissive displays are easily readable in low-light and typical indoor environments, but unusuable in bright light, such as direct sunlight.


Seeing as you already have a Blu, A Nlu would be a cheaper option than a Flu as a second unit and excellent for playing in sunlight or brightly lit area`s.

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I would say the BLU+ is much better in sunlight as the normal BLU from what I heard here on the forums. Everyone tells that their BLU is very hard to play, but my BLU+ is working well...
well contridictory to what the post above this one just said....mine is very hard to play in the sunlight and i usualy end up not playing because its agrivating.
A NLU is actually a bit brighter in sunlight than a FLU because the NLU doesn't have the extra layer of plastic in it like a FLU. The light guide in the FLU cuts down the brightnes in the light slightly so a NLU for bright areas and a BLU for dark is the best. Plus NLUs are real cheap.
If I turn the light off on my Blu+ I can play ok in the sun, but it's not great by any means. Playable, but not great.
But indoors with the light on..... damn!
If I was I'd have a NLU too. And a Mame cab'. And a K5 GSXR1000, Brough Superior SS100, a nice Donald Takayama 6'8" twin-fin retro fish and a Viper....
The BLU+ screen looks very good in the sun with the backlight on or off (unlike the original BLU). I think the real reason why GamePark decided to change over to the Taiwanese lcd's is that they are simply better than the old Samsung displays. The BLU+ units not only have the superior reflectivity feature, but the actual picture quality is much more vivid as well.

I find it humorous how many people looking into purchasing a new GP32 avoid the BLU+ like a plague, when it actually is the best unit available. ...The era of the white line/wrapped scanline is coming to an end. The BLU+ is the future of the GP scene.
The BLU+ screen looks very good in the sun with the backlight on or off (unlike the original BLU). I think the real reason why GamePark decided to change over to the Taiwanese lcd's is that they are simply better than the old Samsung displays. The BLU+ units not only have the superior reflectivity feature, but the actual picture quality is much more vivid as well.

I find it humorous how many people looking into purchasing a new GP32 avoid the BLU+ like a plague, when it actually is the best unit available. ...The era of the white line/wrapped scanline is coming to an end. The BLU+ is the future of the GP scene.

I would say it already ended. I have the blu+ for several days now and I still haven`t seen that white line in anything I use, except DrMD where you have to change the option first...
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tnx for the replies, now i'm probably going to buy the NLU
is it as good as a GBA SP in sunlight?
It would be so great if i could play all those fantastic emu's everywhere i go :o

and i don't really have an idea where to buy the cheapest.. probably ebay, but than i have the chance of a nonworking unit :( if you live in belgium it's not very easy to get these things cheap
I used to have a FLU and now I have a BLU+ and even though it is true that the BLU+ is not of much use in sunlight (and also a certain kind of artificial light), the vividness of colors and clarity of the picture in dim light/darkness/normal daylight makes up for the weakness a thousand times! There is no better GP32 than a BLU+, I bet the small finger on my left leg for it!


Eh, no, I do not, I take it back, but its so much better :)