Mali, i hope your being sarcastic?
No, I'm not.QUOTE
I think this "language" specific is going overboard. I don't see people going, and trowing treads around, for the OQO 2+ or the UX for not having specific xxx language keys.
I don't know, what OQO or UX are sold with in Germany but N810 is sold with a German layout.
Lets see:
The French want there own layout.
The Germans want there own layout.
The Arabic will probably also want there own layout.
The Italians ...
Hey, i'm from Belgium. Azerty layout anybody? No? Ho well. Looks like i'm still not trowing my Pandora out off the window.

The big difference here is, that umlauts were included from day one on every render and suddenly they are gone. The product isn't the one I paid for any more.
Its a 48 characters limited keyboard. Even on a full 104 character keyboard, you can't have all the keys that the combined French, Germans etc want.
Having to press 4 keys for one umlaut is an imposition IMO
The Pandora is aimed at a international market. By this definition, the default layout reflects this, by focusing on the English language, and speed of typing. Are you going to be writing full German essay texts on the Pandora? No. If you do want that, you buy a small external travel keyboard, with German layout, and plug it in the USB2.
I was not really happy with the clamshell design, but the keyboard made up for it(notice past tense).
It does not mater what layout the developers focus on, because there will always be people that are pissed off. I'm seriously thinking it might have been better to leave the keyboard part off, and have a LCD touch screen there, with a keyboard display. Will have solved all this language specific problems. Maybe for the Pandora 2?
I agree.