I ask again... are there any penalties for using LJ v.3 vs. .4? What features, if any, were included in .4 that were not in .3? I would love to use .3 if it is indeed faster but not if I'm going to lose out on any of the more useful LJ features.
IMO Version 0.4 is the best. The overclocked versions make the sound skip no matter what you do, and Version 0.3 has compatibility issues and is only better by 2 fps.
hmmm well I finally found and tried v.3.... it DOES run a bit faster well I'm leaving both v.3 and .4 on there... I tried a bunch of games on v.3 and didn't have any issues, but just in case....
I definately like v.3 better already though, as games like Mario (1 and 3) now run at regular speed... whereas on v.4 they run just a tad bit slow (no matter what FS you use)... and maybe that doesnt' bother most people but it really bugged me. I could HEAR the difference in the music... being slightly slower... was just driving me nuts.