Best Psx Games?


Is that a Caanoo in your pocket or are you just ha
Apr 27, 2005
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Well, I recently upgraded to 3.40 OE-A, and I'm enjoying rediscovering all the old PSX games I used to enjoy.

However, I'd like to get together a list of the essential games for the PSX to play on this firmware, if that is possible.

I already have all the PSX FF series, but please reccomend some more...

Thanks. :)
You should check out Jade Cocoon, I really enjoy that game. Also, check out Constructor, if it works, that game is a real pain to get working on anything but a real PSX.
Titcher said:
You should check out Jade Cocoon, I really enjoy that game. Also, check out Constructor, if it works, that game is a real pain to get working on anything but a real PSX.
I remember jade cocoon! that was a great game until I had to face a monster 100x more powerful then mine.. :lol:
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Metal Gear Solid, do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That game was revolutionary back then. Unfortunately it's on two discs, and there is a even another separate VR Missions disc, if you want to have the complete set.
purple_goat said:
Titcher said:
You should check out Jade Cocoon, I really enjoy that game. Also, check out Constructor, if it works, that game is a real pain to get working on anything but a real PSX.
I remember jade cocoon! that was a great game until I had to face a monster 100x more powerful then mine.. :lol:

Yeah, I've been trying to get through it recently. The levelling curve is a real pain, whenever you go to a new area everything is always around 3 levels higher than you, with the boss being more, having said that though, the game does have a nicely weird story, and voice acting, you've got to love the cheesy male voice during the chapter videos.
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OMars said:
Metal Gear Solid, do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That game was revolutionary back then. Unfortunately it's on two discs, and there is a even another separate VR Missions disc, if you want to have the complete set.
Yeah, I have the game, but I'm not sure how I'd go about switching the disks mid-game, is it simple?

Also, I'm glad I asked here, you're all naming games I've never heard of before :D.
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Nova said:
OMars said:
Metal Gear Solid, do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That game was revolutionary back then. Unfortunately it's on two discs, and there is a even another separate VR Missions disc, if you want to have the complete set.
Yeah, I have the game, but I'm not sure how I'd go about switching the disks mid-game, is it simple?

Also, I'm glad I asked here, you're all naming games I've never heard of before :D.

The original Tenchu :ph34r: for the psx is still my favorite game on any console, don't bother with tenchu 2 though.

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Here's a few PSX games i've been playing recently.

Final Fantasy Tactics
Gran Turismo 2
Parappa the Rapper

I particularly recommend Einhander :)
Nova said:
OMars said:
Metal Gear Solid, do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That game was revolutionary back then. Unfortunately it's on two discs, and there is a even another separate VR Missions disc, if you want to have the complete set.
Yeah, I have the game, but I'm not sure how I'd go about switching the disks mid-game, is it simple?

Also, I'm glad I asked here, you're all naming games I've never heard of before :D.

Ok, it's quite simple actually. While converting the two discs through this application, make sure that the "Game Save" name and "Game ID" are the same. After you have passed the first disc of the game, you just save and then, run the next disc.


EDIT: BTW, I would recommend transferring the game using the program. It asks you that question right after you're done. So, make sure you have you psp or memory stick connected.
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OMars said:
Metal Gear Solid, do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That game was revolutionary back then. Unfortunately it's on two discs, and there is a even another separate VR Missions disc, if you want to have the complete set.
<3 vr missions!! ninja madness!!
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I would recommend the Resident Evil series, but I'm guessing you'd have to be a complete eejit to not have seen it before :P Also, I believe that the PSX versions have all been remade and improved for newer consoles.

MediEvil. It's a bit silly, but there's something about it that makes it really cool. I read somewhere that it has been ported to the PSP twice; one that's more or less the same as the original and another that has been updated somewhat, so you might be better off trying out one of those instead.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. I only ever had a french version of it, so I couldn't totally understand what was going on. Despite that, from what I did understand it was extremely good. I've been meaning to get hold of an english copy of it.
Javacat said:
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. I only ever had a french version of it, so I couldn't totally understand what was going on. Despite that, from what I did understand it was extremely good. I've been meaning to get hold of an english copy of it.
seconded (had the DC version and loved it :D )
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Spyre the dragon and vib ribbon(a really simple but great game), two great games.
but vib ribbon dosent work on psx4gp2x sadly enough :(, but well i play it on my laptop anyway :)