Best Gp2x-able Shump?

There have been some great shooters mentioned here and I "ditto" them all. So I do not want to repeat. I'll try not to.

On the PC engine, for some reason, Double Ring/W Ring is over looked. It is excellent!
Burning Angels
Dead Moon
Blazing Lazers
And for fun, Coryoon

On the DrMD

Bioship Paladin
Battle Squadron
Eliminate Down (no sound :( )
Taskforce Harrier

On Mame it has to be
Juno First

I have been spending a lot of my time lately with the homebrew shooters.
Lot's of excellent suggestions here, as I missed most of the arcade & console shoot'em ups at the time... especially the PC Engine seems to have great titles in this department. And on Mame, you can always play the classic Phoenix, which is the first game I ever played at the arcade (I still love it).

Anyway, my humble suggestion is actually playable on the C64-emulator, and it's a horizontal scroller called Delta - one of my favourite games of all time. Turn on the background music (F5), and start playing. A dreamlike experience unlike any other, with very specific patterns you have to remember to get add-on weapons that you have to use at certain times. And it still looks OK, imo. It's not a frantic blaster, but just in case you get bored with all these "normal" shumps. And I find the GP2X stick difficult in games requiring tight controls.

Anyway, that's my suggestion, just starting out exploring the GP2X myself... :)
I almost forgot, but provided GNUBoy can handle it, give Solar Striker a go. Whenever I start a game I can't put it down for a long, long time - very addicting and gameplay-oriented, you'll love it. The music's awesome, too :)

- Alex
I just skimmed through the thread so correct me if I'm wrong but.. I can't believe no one mentioned the mighty Xenon 2! The weird thing is I was just listening to Megablast by Bomb The Bass (soundtrack for Xenon 2) when I came across this thread ;)
It's a pity that NK's NeoGeoCD emulator never got updated as Ironclad is a classic shooter, one of my favourites. It runs a bit twitchy with no sound on GP2x.

Otherwise I've been playing R-Type on PC Engine, UN Squadron on MAME, Trans-Bot on SMS, and Arrow Flash on Megadrive. :) You've got to get hold of Vektar though, it's a beauty! :D
Don't forget M.U.S.H.A for MD/Gen (as so know as Musha Aleste in japan) :D :D

on the Sega-CD have also MUSHA but whit an another name Robo Aleste the same game but
with a great soundtrack :o