Best games on GP32


Still Fresh
Hi peeps,

My gp32 arrives tomorrow and i bought it as an alternative to the GBA.
Really wanted to play Mario Kart on SNes, but does anyone know if it plays ok?

what other games would you guys recommend and work well?
If you like puzzle games then Gp games is the best thing you could get. I have spent hours playing Drops and GP Blocks and i do play the other 4 games quite a bit also.

I would also reccomend Gpengine for such classics as Bomberman, New Zealand Story and R-Type.
argh. time for a new sticky. here goes:

Snes9x + SnesEmu (you must overclock if possible!) w/no sound:
-super punch out
-several RPG's
-tetris attack (EXTREMELY addictive, don't pay attention to the played-out tetris name)
-front mission (get a translation patch)

stay away from mario kart as it's rather slow, people say. mode 7 and all that.

-ninja spirit
-air zonk
-galaga 88
-military madness
-legendary axe (sound messed up but very fun)
-devil's crush
-gomola speed
-soldier blade, I think it's called

NES -- well just about everything is great on here... a few suggestions though
-rolling thunder
-solomon's key
-tons of great Rare games
-metal storm
damn, too many to list.

-alex kidd
-fantasy zone series (!!!!)
-wonder boy 3

Coleco Emulator -- again, TONS of oldschool games work great + very fun. Tapper, Zaxxon, etc

Genesis emulator - must be overclocked + some grafx glitches, plus it's VERY dark (to the point where I am not playing it at all) Still.. check these out
-ghouls n ghosts
-gley lancer
-castlevania bloodlines
-revenge of Shinobi
-shadow dancer
-sonic 1+2 (I think they both work, don't remember)
-gunstar heroes (keep pressing start at the title or it crashes - also, bad gfx glitches but it's STILL tons of fun!)

-Donkey Kong GB
-game + watch series
-klustar (control might be a little over-sensitive)
-metal gear solid
-dragon's lair (GBC) - yes it is an arcade port!!
-Asteroids, Space Invaders GC updates (fun versions of old classics)

Ms. Pac Man (some crummy gfx glithes, but hell this game is timeless and endlessly enjoyable)

that oughta keep you busy for a few weeks -- happy romhunting!
Mario Kart? Not a chance. Too much mode 7 and it has a DSP chip for the graphics - IIRC my old Celeron 300 couldn't handle it (but could everything else). It'll run but it won't be playable...of course I could be wrong. Try it anyway...I heard F-Zero runs perfect under certain conditions. Then again, it didn't have that special DSP thing...

I'd take a close look at every system emulated really. C64 has tons of great games, probably equal to or greater than NES in quantity (because publishing was cheaper back then and people thought paying 3 times as much for a console game was rediculous). Go to any site and you'll find plenty - try or something, there's too much to mention here, but I will say everyone loves Kikstart (it's like Excitebike only better) and Boulderdash. Commodore Plus/4 has a few good games too. I'd probably recommend Dork's Dilemma (Bomberman sort of game, but very different), Jetbrix and hmm...Mr Puniverse?

ZX Spectrum's another good machine. Again, like C64, tons of games. Graphics and sound are simplified in comparison, but most games are ports from one of the two machines to the other. Plenty of good games again, like NES. I'd probably recommend the usual stuff...Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy 1/2, the Ultimate/Rare games, the 7 Dizzy games and 2 Seymour games, etc.

Atari ST...personally I haven't put the emulator on because I don't have the space and I haven't really tried. But I want to. The machine is often compared to an Amiga, because a lot of games for Amiga were ported from the ST. I dunno what runs, but I'd check out stuff like APB, Double Dragon, Pang, and Turbo Outrun.

MSX1/MSX2 is great for early Japanese games. ESPECIALLY if you're a fan of Konami games. Do I really need to name what's on this system? I guess I do. I recommend trying Metal Gear 1/2, Snatcher (but it's not translated yet), SD-Snatcher (this is translated), Vampire Killer, Goonies, Antarctic Adventure, Penguin Adventure, Parodius, Knightmare, Maze of Galious, the Nemesis games, and so on. A lot of these games were on other systems (NES, SNES, Spectrum) but they were designed for MSX and that's what they're best on.

In brief, for other consoles:

Atari 2600: Anything. You either like it or you don't.
Coleco: Arcade ports. Not much else unique to the system...
GB/GBC: Galaga. There's more but games are so hard to find for these now!
NES: I think everyone knows what's on this.
PC Engine: Sega arcade ports, Bomberman, Parodius.
SMS: Phantasy Star, Golden Axe Warrior, Golvellius. All good RPG's. Fantasy Zone 1 and 2 also. Oh, and Wonderboy 3.
Wonderswan: Does this save games? If so try Final Fantasy 1, 2 and maybe 4 on it. They run perfectly. I just don't remember if it saves!
Other: There's plenty of nice home made games on GP32. The best things are the ports, though, if you ask me...
ralp99 posted on Dec 3 2003 at 02:07 PM said:
-tetris attack (EXTREMELY addictive, don't pay attention to the played-out tetris name)
Yes, Tetris Attack rocks! It is definetly the best puzzle game ever!
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time bandits for atari st is an absolutely amazing game.
considered one of the most difficult to beat too ^_^
Last Ninja, Wizball, World Games on the c64

Dungeon Master on the Atari ST

Anything on SCUMM (Monkey Island II & DOTT my personal favs)

DOOM & Heretic plus loads of extra WADS

Mame soon to be released with G&G playable