Best Firmware?


Still Fresh
May 28, 2003
Hi guys,

I've been using by new GP32 BLU for a few weeks now, and the new offical firmware is allowing to do your homebrew stuff by default, so I didn't really tried any other.

But then I'm getting a little bored ot it, so I'm fishing... And on my previous old non lit GP32, I flashed and was using a multiboot one, with quite a few different options... can't remember which one it was.

Now, what's the best you're all using these days? Any multi-boot ones including the BLU firmware as well? (I quite like it after all)...

The only firmware i know which has the official BLU firmware built-in is Aquafish`s firmware, Which i don`t use or go much on.

I personally like mr spiv`s mfw2 or slubmans firmware, Currently using mfw2.

erm. :/

Yes... Linkinparkfov101 , I assume you are in a bad mood or something?!
Pretty sharp comments for a rookie who has just joined today.

Anyway, let's move on...
Please continue giving me your opinons on the firmware you prefer, so I can try various options.

wasn't there a multifirmware maker or something by aquafish?

then he could make his own with the Euro firmware and
anyother firmware he wants.

Me.. I'm still fine with the official firmware.. of course I've only had my
BLU for 2 days :P
Just use slubman firmware with phodrive!!! It's far better than the original one!!!!! I've tried alot of firmware and I must admit that Slubman's one kick ass!!!
I use Aquafish f/w. I think he makes the best firmwares around. I then have Pacrom autobooting into Slubman commander since this is the best file manager around.

I also have a f/w created in Zed (Auafish superb f/w maker) that has an image viewer (Flavor's one) and Comi built in, for when I want to directly interact with pics from my digital camera.