Best Film Of All Time

Personal favs:

in no order my top 10 are:

LOTR trilogy
Star wars 4-6
Matrix (1st film only)
The Hurricane - excellent film not widely known about a boxer framed for murder (starring Denzil Washington)
The Life of David Gail
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (don't know why but it just cracks me up everytime)
BraveHeart (being Scottish :D )
The Green Mile
The Shawshank Redemption
Indiana Jones Trilogy (not inc. the 2nd one)
thebluenewt posted on Mar 23 2004 at 01:10 AM said:
kknd_cf posted on Mar 22 2004 at 06:52 PM said:
you clearly have good taste. 
That's what they tell me! :P

Are you British? Cos if you are did you see the "100 Greatest Films Of All Time". I was so dissapointed not to see Donnie Darko. WTF how could Star Wars get number 1!? I mean it's an ace film but I thought it would have been a timeless epic or summit.

I am British, it was a repeat from a couple of years ago, hence no Donnie Darko. It was public voted so films that grossed a lot were always going to do well.

I haven't seen D. Darko. What's so good about it?

What I loved about Donnie Darko was that it made me think, everyone has their own theory about what happened.
omfg I didn't reliase that lol. no wonder DD wern't there.

Btw for anyone who doesn't know why Donnie Darko is so good it's because it questions our morality, consciousness, fate, whether we're alone, relegion and the reality of time travel and wormholes. Is the most amzing film I've ever seen and you can laugh at the people that don't since it's normally because they don't understand it lol.
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scottm posted on Mar 23 2004 at 12:32 PM said:
Personal favs:

in no order my top 10 are:

LOTR trilogy
Star wars 4-6
Matrix (1st film only)
The Hurricane - excellent film not widely known about a boxer framed for murder (starring Denzil Washington)
The Life of David Gail
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (don't know why but it just cracks me up everytime)
BraveHeart (being Scottish :D )
The Green Mile
The Shawshank Redemption
Indiana Jones Trilogy (not inc. the 2nd one)
Argh! Hate Braveheart, but then I'm English and I like history, it seemed somewhat unnecessary for them to make stuff up...

If you like The Hurricane listen to the Bob Dylan track, great stuff!

The Green Mile makes me blub like a little girl who has lost her dolly, which can be quite embarrassing...
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ATM my fav is City of GOd :D damn this movie kicks ass! Seen it like 5x in the theater. honorable mentions are Kill Bill, THe BIg Lebowski, Chasing Amy, and 50 first Dates :)
Donnie Darko
Zombie trilogy (night of the living dead, dawn of the dead, day of the dead)
Pulp Fiction
and Memento

in no particular order!
Well... I've always loved films like Fight-club, Usual Suspect, Pulp Fiction and all that sort of stuff...
Which is why I am surprised to say, that my favorite movie of all time would have to be: Pirates Of The Carribean.

Not much to it actually - I just can't seem to get tired of it.

BTW: considering the genre that seem to be you guys favorites - have any of you ever seen Momento? It's about this guy who has no long-time memory... And the story is basicly told in reverse.

EDIT: Doh!... just noticed c0ncept mentioned that movie in the post before mine :-)
OOOH! memento kicks ass! Didja know on the special edition there is an easter egg that allows u to watch the movie in chronological order. Damn after seeing it that way it tottally lets u really see how nuts this guy is.
usual suspects
fight club
deerhunter...fuckin' ace film.
dawn of the dead...original
martin...another great george a romero classic
dark city
donnie darko...fuck it...i'll follow the flock.
Previously, it wouldve been a toss up between Donnie D and Iron Monkey but over the weekend I watched City of God, Buffalo Soldiers, and The Killer and I gotta say all 3 were amazing, shame all my mates reckon Fast and the furious is the best film of all time, such tits
No Matrix, LOTR, Star Wars, Fight Club or similar for me.

Movies have been a big hobby for me for the last few years, I've seen several hundred movies the last 12 months, new films as well as classics, and I can't give you a definite number one, but some of the most impressing movies for me were:

Taxi Driver
Godfather 1+2
Ichi the Killer
Training Day
Lock, Stock...
Four Rooms

and a lot of unknown and mostly weird german movies (does 'Dei Mudder sei Gesicht' ring a bell? :D )

PS: Talking about '23', I had a talk with one guy from one of the GP32 IRC channels some months ago, about that movie and a movie about the german band DAF, but I can't remember his name anymore. So if you read this: I know the name of the DAF movie! It's called "Verschwende Deine Jugend" (waste your youth).
mattmagoo posted on Mar 23 2004 at 06:32 PM said:
Previously, it wouldve been a toss up between Donnie D and Iron Monkey but over the weekend I watched City of God, Buffalo Soldiers, and The Killer and I gotta say all 3 were amazing, shame all my mates reckon Fast and the furious is the best film of all time, such tits
I like your style,

Just so happens I watched Iron Monkey for the first time on Sunday night and utterly loved it. I take it it's set before the once upon a time in china series as the kids name is wong fei hung.... they're all classics in my book

Anyone seen the Lone Wolf and Cub series?

Then there's Bullet in the Head and Hard boiled... can't decide a favourite - they're all good :)
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HMMM.... my favs are:
SLC Punk
Apoc. Now(P.S Charlie don't surf)
The romero 3
Saving private ryan
Band o bros
Full metal jacket
Donni Darko was good too
BTW i like war movies, could you tell?
I hate Donnie Darko... <_<
Now before you all pounce on me, it's not because I don't "get it". I understand what it's trying to say, and its philosophy, but I don't like it at all and I completely disagree with it.

The best film that I know that actually makes me think is Solaris (1972). It's a masterpiece in the guise of a sci-fi film... I've watched it 4 times so far, and each time I've been completely entranced and understood it even more than I did the previous time. It also always gives me a fulfilling sensation after I see it; Donnie Darko left me with an empty, meaningless confusion.

Also, watch Come and See if you want to see a war film that's more powerful than Saving Private Ryan. Don't let the subtitles scare you away; you'll understand the movie even if you have them turned off. If you do see it, you won't forget it.

I sure like foreign films, don't I? For some laughs, though, Charlie Chaplin's the Gold Rush is really enjoyable! Anyone seen it?

P.S. I didn't like 2001: A Space Odyssey either for some reason. The space sequences were great, but too much of the movie (esp. the beginning) seemed like just meaningless fill-in with uninspiring camera angles. Solaris can be considered the opposite of 2001, even though they're both sci-fi.