Best Film Of All Time

you clearly have good taste. Are you British? Cos if you are did you see the "100 Greatest Films Of All Time". I was so dissapointed not to see Donnie Darko. WTF how could Star Wars get number 1!? I mean it's an ace film but I thought it would have been a timeless epic or summit. :( Also "Blade runner-Directors cut"! lol has anyone actually seen the orignal one lol.
Terminator 2 is absolutely amazing and has stood the test of time. Terminator 3 was pretty lame in comparison. The special fx seemed worse :/ !
The usual suspects all the way! i love that film. then it would probably be resevoir dogs or the warriors or in the name of the father
declaration posted on Mar 22 2004 at 10:46 PM said:
The Big Lebowski is my personal fave.

Not sure if that means its the best film of all time though.
IMO that film sucked, maybe i was too tired to enjoy it but i couldnt stand it.
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The Godfather

Also Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Scarface, Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List, LOTR:ROTK (yes!), Goodfellas.

I haven't seen D. Darko. What's so good about it?
Donnie Darko, American Beauty, Usual Suspects.

What more does one need?

@Rico....Donnie Darko is kinda hard to explain, it just has style without being cheesy or OTT. Has a great storyline to boot which gets you thinking but doesn't strictly answer everything, which means you can have a good think about it for a long while afterwards.
kknd_cf posted on Mar 22 2004 at 06:52 PM said:
you clearly have good taste.
That's what they tell me! :P

Are you British? Cos if you are did you see the "100 Greatest Films Of All Time". I was so dissapointed not to see Donnie Darko. WTF how could Star Wars get number 1!? I mean it's an ace film but I thought it would have been a timeless epic or summit.

I am British, it was a repeat from a couple of years ago, hence no Donnie Darko. It was public voted so films that grossed a lot were always going to do well.

I haven't seen D. Darko. What's so good about it?

What I loved about Donnie Darko was that it made me think, everyone has their own theory about what happened.
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Wouldn't say it's the best movie I've ever seen but Donnie Darko is a great movie. Just don't understand what idiot decided to plug it with a line like: "Dark, darker, Darko". Makes it sound like some kind of cheesy horror movie or something. The movie can't be explained without giving it away, you have to see it.
well, lets see..... best movie...... "Life of Brian" was a great one, but i also like "2Fast2Furious" more (more cars, ya know) and "Gothika" (Halle is sweet!!!) was great too (wow, that film was shocking. But while we are at shocking movies, we shall not forget "The Exorcist". Allthough im from Germany, i think the american versions DO sound better (except for Gothika, i dont know how the US soundtrack is, i just watched it friday)
declaration posted on Mar 22 2004 at 10:46 PM said:
The Big Lebowski is my personal fave.

Not sure if that means its the best film of all time though.
The DUDE gets my vote!
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Horscht posted on Mar 23 2004 at 10:18 AM said:
well at lets see..... best movie...... "Life of Brian" was a great one, but i also like "2Fast2Furious"
how can you put those two films in the same sentence? classic monty python and awful ego-cheese
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