Been very stupid guys & would appreciate if folk would hear me out

Oh well. Listen, you live and learn. To be honest, if you're anything more than five or so years older than her, then accepting the facebook friend request was probably a bit silly.The trouble with teenagers (and sometimes people in their early twenties, I have found) is that although sometimes they seem like they've got their shit together and are quite mature, they aren't really. And as you have found out, you've been dragged into a juvenile situation (juvenile in the "youth" sense of the word, rather than childish, immature or silly).

In fact, emotional maturity seems to evade some people well into their late thirties, in my experience!
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Give us the joke.
It was probably something innocent like:

Her: Would really like to go and see Charli XCX at her gig next month. All my friends are going.

Him: What's stopping you then?

Her: Oh, my dad says it's on a week night and my friends are travelling back by Tube and he thinks it's not safe at that time of night 'cos I'm only 15.

Him: Well, you should remind him how sensible you and your friends generally are, how well you are doing with your school work and tell him you deserve to let off a bit of steam.

Her: I'm not sure, you don't know him. He's a stickler for rules.

Him: Well, remind him that you're working hard at your Duke Of Edinborough award and how that's designed to help you become an independent young person, etc. Y'know, make him feel a bit guilty. Tell him how you're the only one who's not going and all that. Remind the old sod that you have a life and want to enjoy it, and don't want to end up old and miserable like him! <obviously joking here>
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WTF is the problem here? From what I've read, there's no problem whatsoever??

Just leave it. Dad is insecure. You haven't done anything wrong. When you see her next...just pretend nothing happened.

The only problem is using Facebook at all. :P

PS: 15 year olds are perfectly legal where I live although usually not a good idea at all.
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In fact, emotional maturity seems to evade some people well into their late thirties, in my experience!
Try doubling that age and you will have what I have observed/experienced.

The only problem is using Facebook at all. :P
Get rid of that sticky outy tongue face, because that is absolutely true.

As for the conversation/joke thing, I can see why dad got mad.  I used to get called a bad influence and such because of comments I made like this.  I don't really understand it (I think it goes back to protecting kiddos, like I said before).  You are telling a child to be assertive and tell their parents that they need to back off and give them some room.  The parents that need to be told this are the ones that are least likely to be ok with someone saying it, especially someone outside the family/friend circle telling the kid to say/do that.

Stupid humans.
Hmm I don´t know what you said.. so it is kinda guesswork to me here :D

Having a beautiful daughter (only 11 now.. but I am pretty scared about the next years) I kinda understand that the father is not that happy with you :D

To me it would be quite better if that someone came to me and just told me: Hey I was not trying to get in your daughters pants, I was just having fun.

I think I would think about not ending his life in the most gruesome way I can imagine. 

It is really hard being a father to a beautiful girl, don´t ever underestimate the lengths that a father will go to, to protect his little girl.

Even if you claim not to have planned anything, I would be quite unhappy with you tinkering with the feelings of my baby girl.

(To anyone who does think that is kinda schizophrenic , hell yeah it is. One part of you wants to peel every boys skin of

very slowly that even looks at your baby girl.... the other part wants her to be happy and when a boy then hurts her heart

you want to hurt him even more....)

I get on very well with both but this evening accepted a Facebook friend request from the girl (dumb to begin with)

Not sure what is dumb about accepting a friend request from someone you get on well with.


made a very stupid joke about making her father feel guilty


I'd greatly appreciate your thoughts.
Sounds like a storm in a tea cup to me, being a Dad of a daughter myself I can understand his probably excessive sensitivity but it's hard to give any real advice without hearing what the joke was. Pretty sure it will all blow over. Good luck :)
Not sure what is dumb about accepting a friend request from someone you get on well with.
See UK paedophile hysteria.
I don't like how those terms get thrown around.

15 is not even hebephilia anymore by many definitions and certainly not pedophilia (which is targeted on pre-puberty btw).

Most guys don't have preferences bordering to any "philia" and just get drawn to anything that has reached sexual maturity which means that the actual fertility is fully developed which is usually the case from around 14-45.

Don't get me wrong, having such a young gf is still a bad idea in most cases but the terms that are used in the main stream media are flat out wrong and completely emotionally charged.

Meaning: Thinking a woman between 14 and 45 is "hot" is completely natural, going into a relationship with them not always a good idea depending on your own age and plans for the future as well as theirs.

Her father should trust her own reasoning more and she may actually develop enough confidence to make the right decisions, her crush on you will pass anyway if she has one so you get burned either way in the long run if you don't keep your distance.
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