Osaka, JP - shopping directions for PC peripherals, please?


Apr 3, 2016
Hi there,

my mother went to Osaka to walk a pilgramage trail, visiting a numbered set of temples as I understand it. And it goes around Honshu, I guess. Now, that she's back in Osaka after the trail, she prolonged her stay there for a few days. So she'll be there for the rest of the week.

Now, to get on topic. Before she went, I asked her to get me a certain revision of a trackball model by Elecom (a japanese company), which apparently I can not buy here in Germany. (Well, it had been on for a time, but for thrice it's original price.) So, she got notes of the make, the model, and the exact model number of that revision. But, she has no idea, where to look for it. Unfortunatly, she doesn't speak Japanese, barely speaks English and isn't very smartphone-savvy.

Is there a big electronics store chain, Osaka might be riddled with and that ought to be having things like a variaty of trackballs on shelve? I.e. something easy to ask for on the street.

Pertinent pointers would be very much appreciated. :)

For the curious: I'm after the secong revision of Elecom's HUGE trackball/wired. The first revision, if I got that right, uses a material for the palm rest, that tends to degrade in a sticky and ugly way.
[doublepost=1568301859,1568296894][/doublepost]I'm trying to find a shop, but they're strictly in Japanese only and I'm at a loss. I got for example that Yamada denki is a big chain and that there is a Yamada LABI in Osaka. But I can't even figure out, what LABI actually is. The pictures suggest, that they at least have food.

If someone knowing Japanese in writing could have a looksie. The product I'm looking for is called on "エレコム トラックボールマウス 有線 大玉 8ボタン チルト機能 ブラック M-HT1URXBK" - I know it as ELECOM Huge M-HT1URXBK. (The latter being the model number.)
I've been in Japan about two years ago so maybe I can help you a bit:

I think your best bet could be Yodobashi or Bic Camera.

->Bic Camera:
Here they have the corded and the cordless one.

Looks like they only have the cordless one in Yodobashi.

But I can find it in at 59,90€ shipping from Japan (I don't know why I can't post the links, spam?? WTF...)

Anyway, despite being in Yodobashi's/Bic's e-store that doesn't mean they have it on the mortar store, but I guess it's worth going and asking/looking there; also people in those stores usually speak (at least a bit of) english.
Thanks a bunch, @RZR . I couldn't even figure out, if a store has ELECOM products at all.

That it's on for a proper price must be somewhat new. I guess ELECOM are expanding their reach. I'll call that a backup plan for now. For that I also needed someone to get it for me, since I refuse to create an account with them, and that someone would probably also be mother. Plus, it makes mother happy, when she can bring somebody something from her travels, that couldn't be gotten back home. :)
I think Bic Camera / Yodobashi will be the places to go, you can get tax exemption if you show your passport.

I found Bic Camera / Yodobashi to have some english speaking customer service reps so perhaps it would be worth asking or showing a picture of the item to a representative in the correct department
Thanks @Wally . I had my aunt - via WhatsApp - relay to her amazon's describtive, Japanese article "name" (up their in my double post), so she can show that to the clerks.
I just asked my wife about it (she used to live in Osaka). Apparently "" is a good Japanese price comparison website.
価格コム ( - search results for "M-HT1URBK"

If you check the first item in the list, you should see "大阪" (Osaka) in brackets which, of course, is the location of the shop. Apparently this is the best deal found, and the shop is "PC one's" which is in the south area, perhaps more "otaku" (computer / anime geek) area.

PCワンズ(お店の名前)- Address, map and contact details for "PC one's"

This a link to the shop's website, and the product page:

However, for your mother might find it easier to go to Yodobashi (which is close to the station) where you can also reserve online the day before (there are apparently a few in stock at the moment), although they are probably also a bit more expensive.

If there's something specific you would like to ask, I can see what she says... not sure how helpful any of this is though...
@ClockworkCoder Thank you. That's the first revision, though. :) Unfortunately, the shop doesn't seem to have the second (M-HT1URXBK). And kakaku doesn't list anything containing 大阪 for this one.

For now I'll wait and see, what Santa brings or doesn't bring. Saturday should be through in Japan and I don't know, when she has to get her plane - only that she's due to arrive in Berlin on Monday at around 1900 UTC+2.
She's back. Only tried Yodobashi and they didn't have it. They offered her an alternative for 10kYen, but she didn't falter. Ordered it now on Amazon's shop-site is very confusing, though. When you look up the article, it looks like the seller would be ELECOM, but when you go on to buy it it's someone else. Shipping is due between 10/10 and 10/22. o_O
Really, I don't get, how such a shit site could be such a success. ?!? (I don't mean that shipping date - I'm aware, that's not amazon's responsibility.)

Btw, I told crap. My mother was on a trail around Shikoku, not Honshu - she made a quarter round.
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