Been Trying For The Last 2 Hours To Get The Gp2x Into The Cradle


Still Fresh
Aug 20, 2007
I've seen videos of this thing, and how the user just drops his GP2X right into the thing. Now I've spent two hours in counting, trying to get this thing to fit. It slides in a bit, but is still quite loose, in terms that I can move the sides up and down a bit.

However, if it is in, then it's certainly not letting me know, because I don't see a LED light indicating it works.

I have no idea what the problem is, but the GP2X is one day old, and I refuse to slam it into a peice of plastic, trying to get it to fit into port, which judging by the look, is EXACTLY the same sort of connector as the TV out wire(or close enough).

So if anyone has any advice, beyond "return it", let me know.
If you mean the cover for the port on the bottom of the GP2X, then yes. I pulled on the piece, and cut the rubber as close as possible so that it wouldn't be an issue. I mean that thing was annoying either way XD

I really don't know what the problem is, but it seems to be(if loose, but I read it doesn't exactly snap into the thing, but again...I put it in, no LED light...nothing. Plugged an SD reader into one of the ports, nothing.
I'll put a video on YouTube so you can see what I mean, and in general it will help if anyone else had the same issues. I figure that would be the best way to explain this.

I'll put a link soon as I shoot it. Probably 10 minutes or so.
i cant help now im going to sleep its 2:50am, sorry - hope you get it sorted, il have a look in the morning if it hasnt already been resolved
Ok, made the video-
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Sorry, just couldnt see a thing in your vid.

Carefully! study both ports (on the GP2X and cradle sides), and see if there is anything bent, mangled or otherwise in the way. When you insert the GP2X into the cradle in the vid, there is NO way that is making any sort of electrical contact, it's just sitting on top of the thing.

Again study the ports, there must be something preventing the two from connecting? Try bringing the two together very !slowly an carefully! in very good light and observing where the obstruction/clash is happening, if it isnt in the ports it may be on some part of the cradle body or GP2X case?

There's either a manufacturing defect here, or you're just not being careful enough.

Patience and good luck.
Thanks :lol:

Anyway, I'm gonna review games and such on the GP2X, but also use it for when I run emulators and review those. Just plug it into my Gamebridge and Volia- footage captured, and it's not taking up the massive amount of space that software like FRAPs would take up, due to the fact that it doesn't compress the videos you record.

coldfis- Yeah, but I did in fact go very slow at first(so slow in fact, my friend got angry at how "anal" I was supposedly being with "a plastic case"...or so he put it). It does fit into the thing, problem is it seems to stop before a final connection, and believe me...I tried everything you could think of to get it to work. I noted that after it goes into the connector, there is a raised plastic peice below it, that I think is the reason it's stopping short.

If I still can't get anything going, I may just start sanding down the ends or completely taking off the sides, and seeing if it works when there is nothing to block the thing at all. Worst comes to worst, I'll buy a new one...but at least I'll know what the deal is once and for all.


I was somewhat difficult to get good lighting in here, and the rest of my house is kinda off limits since my folks are sleeping, and waking them is asking for a quick death XD
My first question is whether or not the cradle is plugged in with a proper AC adapter. I'm pretty certain that the LED won't light up unless unless there is a power supply. Second, are you just trying to work the S-Video out?

And if it's any help, here's a picture of how I use my cradle:
Ah-ha, your picture was most useful - I have dismantled the damned thing and now it plugs in directly from the board to the GP2X like in your pic (of course). Would be nice if it actually worked without having to dismantle it!
Okay, it does plug in, but turning it on was another story:

1. Whether I select PAL or NTSC I only get a black & white picture on my TV
2. My USB control pads don't work at all

On the plus side the red light does come on (on the cradle) and the green lights above the USB slots do light up when a device is inserted.

It's probably worth noting that my TV doesn’t actually have an S-Video input, and I have to connect via S-Video to SCART adaptor.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, before this thing gets put in a box and packed away for good.
It sounds like one of the EXT connectors (either on the cable, or the GP2X, or the cradle) is defective. Try wiggling them around.
i think some s-video to scart adapters only work in b&w, or your tv wants a composite scart connection or you know that the s-video to scart works in colour with anything else?

Not sure if you still need help but if so I think i have a solution for you. Untill recently I've been experiencing exactly the same problem and was almost about to send my cradle back to PlayAsia to exchange it.

That is untill I've decided to try and open my cradle upp and see if I can see any fixable problems inside. After opening it I've noticed that the GP2x connector have been slightly pushed downward, so I've pushed it back up (towards the cover) and tried to reconnect my GP2x. Lo and behold, it worked rightaway, Power LED on the cradle and after enabling it both USB Host (tested so far with my wireless USB mouse, 2 joypads and a pendrive) and TV out with sound.

What I think happend was that I've pushed the connector down into the cover when I was trying to fit in my GP2x with the rubber cap still attached (I've since opened the GP2x, removed the cap and later cut off the piece keeping it inside GP2x cover, so that I still can have it over my EXT port, but can easly remove it when i want to use the cradle).

And one more tip, It took mi a while to figure out how to open the cradle. There are 4 screws under it keeping it together, 3 visible and the forth is under one of the rubber feet/nobs (the one in the corner with the cradle's power LED). Once all 4 are removed you can remove the top of the cover and push the connector back up.

Hope it helps, just wanted to post about my experience to save some frustration to other with same problem.

Arek Lubniewicz