miq01 posted on Mar 16 2006 at 09:51 PM said:New version of Beat2X.
nm. it was those stupid DS_Store files.
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miq01 posted on Mar 16 2006 at 09:51 PM said:New version of Beat2X.
It's weird, as I've checked the code and if the names of those files are .DS_Store and .Trashes, Beat2X is supposed to skip them... So I don't know how to solve it so that you don't have to remove them every time.meancode posted on Mar 19 2006 at 11:42 PM said:OS X uses the .DS_Store to store directory structure information, like the fact that you like Icon View with your icons all the way up to 128, or column view, sorted by date.
It puts these files on every volume it uses. Windows, and other OS's that use FAT32 see these ugly things.
.Trashes is the network trash can for the SD volume, also an OS X thing.
That would be nice, but it means animation.virusx posted on Mar 20 2006 at 01:58 PM said:And the "dancing chicks" idea from mooseknuckle2000 would be great too.
Yes. It will be possible some time. In fact, now I'm working on a theme selector, but for the whole game, and not for packs or songs. Your suggestion will probably be next.PSyMastR posted on Mar 20 2006 at 07:46 PM said:One suggestion for .4
miq01, you know how stepmania allows you to create your own backgrounds? Well would it be possible to search for a bmp or jpg with the same name as the song and display it if its 320x240?
Vossy, creating the events for a song in real time sounds good but it means a lot of work coding it. Why? Because in my opinion a good editor would, not only let you record button presses, but also let you edit them once recorded and it means going back and forward in the song and the list of events, which is not easy to do.vossy posted on Mar 21 2006 at 05:35 PM said:i dont know if it would ever be possible, but it would be good if there was a really easy way of creating a pack. like you put a song onto the sd card, then load up beat2x and it would play the song, and you can create the button press patterns by just playing along to the song.
Do what I do to make packs. Download stepmania, make a blank .dwi file, and open up the editorMikey242 posted on Mar 21 2006 at 12:39 PM said:As cool as it would be, I wouldnt be too bothered by creating the events in real time. I do however like Psymastr's idea