Beat2x V0.3


Nov 27, 2005
Barcelona, Catalonia
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New version of Beat2X.

What's new:
  • New layout and artwork.
  • Exchanged positions for up and down arrows.
  • New game mode: "trial".
  • Pressing START during game saves scores and last level.
  • Solved bug that made that after playing a game and reaching a certain level the player could play another pack starting from that level.
  • Added icon (thanks PSyMastR).
  • Supressed EASY mode (since arrow movement was too slow).
  • Added background music during statistics.
  • The amount of points per press is proportional to the difficulty.
  • Added "LOADING..." text while starting.
As usual, refer to the README file for instructions.

Download it from here.
Awesome work, but why did you swap the up and down arrows? The converted DWI files won't be as accurate then. Perhaps you could make an option to swap them?
Well I have tried it and so far I like :) The arrows are certainly an improvement, but I think they are just a slight tiny bit too big now *gulp* But actually it's not bothersome at all. :)

Um... What is trial mode supposed to do? O.o
Thanks for the comments.

About the new look, yes, I knew that not everyone would be happy with it, but a lot of people (in GP32Spain, mostly) asked me to make the arrows much larger and clearer, and I dedided to go on with it. But I agree they are a bit too large. I've told Zenzuke about this and maybe he'll reduce them a bit (specially in height).

And I did the up & down arrow swapping because it seems that it's the standard position in this kind of games (that's something I didn't know as I'm new to them). I'm sure you'll get used to it.

About the trial mode, I've just checked the explanation inside the README file and makes no sense (I wrote it in a few minutes and I'm not an English speaker). :) Basically, you always start from level 1 and it doesn't matter if you fail or not: you'll always get to the next one. But scores and last level beaten are not saved. It's a bit like a "Beat2X for dummies" mode. :)
Ah I see! :) Well maybe the trial mode should be named "Practise" instead? And for future reference, if you need to verify something that you are not sure about in English, you can always get in touch with me, as I know some Spanish. :)

The arrows positions are fine for me. I didn't have any trouble with them the other way round and I don't have any trouble with them this way round.
Zenzuke has adapted the arrows from previous versions so that they fit in 0.3, so all of you interested in using them, click on this link. After downloading, replace 'buttonset.bmp' inside the 'data' folder with the new one.

I wanted to upload the new arrows to ImageShack, but it converts the image to PNG, so I've had to search for another file hosting site. In order to download, click the link, wait for the countdown to reach 0, click on "Don't want a premium download? Click here to access our free download links.", wait for a few more seconds, and click on one of the links after that. Sorry about that but I don't know about another file hosting site that makes things easier.

PokeParadox posted on Mar 17 2006 at 10:43 PM said:
Ah I see! :) Well maybe the trial mode should be named "Practise" instead? And for future reference, if you need to verify something that you are not sure about in English, you can always get in touch with me, as I know some Spanish. :)
Thanks! :) And, yes, "Practise" sounds better and makes more sense than "Trial". I'll change it in 0.4.
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Glad to see the progress miq, but count me among the people who find the arrows so large it makes playing the game difficult. Sometimes when you have a lot of button presses closely packed together it is difficult to tell what order you are to hit them in because the offsets are so slight compared to the size of the arrow itself. For example, I found myself hitting down-down-left, when the game actually called for down-left-down simply because I couldn't tell if the left came after or in between the downs with the new graphics.

On the bright side, finally got back from vacation and am really looking forward to the kraftwerk pack!
Hi Naples39. I understand what you say about pressing wrong sequences of buttons because the arrows are too near as I've found myself in the same situation :) so if you like the old set of arrows, check the post before yours. There is a link to a remade version of that set that works for 0.3.
miq01 posted on Mar 17 2006 at 08:28 PM said:
Hi Naples39. I understand what you say about pressing wrong sequences of buttons because the arrows are too near as I've found myself in the same situation :) so if you like the old set of arrows, check the post before yours. There is a link to a remade version of that set that works for 0.3.

Yeah....I will definitely give that a shot. Thanks again :)
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I really like the screen positioning with this new version, but the arrows and shoulders are waaaaay too large. They needed to be bigger, but not that much bigger in my opinion. Since they are so large, they just pile up on top of each other when the complexity of the manuever goes up, and it's rather awkward. I see the reworking that you posted and I'll be using that in the meantime. But, I still like the idea of larger arrows.

Also, "Practice" sounds better than "Practise" to my ears, but I'm just a crazy yank.

Another suggestion is that you don't register button presses unless an arrow/key is "in frame". That way you don't get points deducted if you have a little finger twitch like me :)

Lastly, it'd be cool if you could work in an animation when the arrow gets pressed in time, like make the arrow bigger or make it glow.
iignotus posted on Mar 18 2006 at 03:26 AM said:
Also at "Practice" sounds better than "Practise" to my ears, but I'm just a crazy yank.

Actually you are right. I made a typo!

Practice - training/rehearsal/preparation

Practise - to do something/carry out/put into practice...

The English language is stupid wether you are English or a crazy Yank! ;)

EDIT: corrected more typos ¬_¬
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Try the set of arrows I linked in post #9.

Ok, changed to "Practice". I hate this s/z thing. :) In general, words finished in "ise"/"ize" use an 's' in British English and a 'z' in American English. Am I right? And what about "colour"/"color", "behaviour"/"behavior", or "centre"/"center"? I think I always mix them... :)

About not registering button presses unless an arrow is in frame, yep, I'll change that some time. Same for _small_ animations (don't expect 3D characters dancing and things like that :)).
miq01 posted on Mar 18 2006 at 11:49 AM said:
Try the set of arrows I linked in post #9.

Ok, changed to "Practice". I hate this s/z thing. :) In general, words finished in "ise"/"ize" use an 's' in British English and a 'z' in American English. Am I right? And what about "colour"/"color", "behaviour"/"behavior", or "centre"/"center"? I think I always mix them... :)

About not registering button presses unless an arrow is in frame, yep, I'll change that some time. Same for _small_ animations (don't expect 3D characters dancing and things like that :)).

Thanks i never saw those.

EDIT: Those arrows have added sexyness.... Woo!
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miq01 posted on Mar 18 2006 at 11:49 AM said:
Ok, changed to "Practice". I hate this s/z thing. :) In general, words finished in "ise"/"ize" use an 's' in British English and a 'z' in American English. Am I right? And what about "colour"/"color", "behaviour"/"behavior", or "centre"/"center"? I think I always mix them... :)

You have it down it seems. :)
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Does anyone else have problems when they have more than one pack of songs? If I have 2 song packs, the app crashes when I click on start, but with only 1 pack, its fine.

Edit: My bad, my folder was messed up somehow.
mth411 posted on Mar 18 2006 at 09:28 AM said:
Does anyone else have problems when they have more than one pack of songs? If I have 2 song packs, the app crashes when I click on start, but with only 1 pack, its fine.
No, I have three packs and it's fine. Give us your directory structure when you have all three packs in there.
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