hello, ive been lurking around a few days now and after reading through many posts i havent really found what ive been looking for. Forgive me if its here somewhere honest ive looked fairly hard
i found the gp32 and this site a long time ago, before the overclocked ones were on sale, and though it looked great and exciting- it had too little power for my taste at the time - compressed video at 10 fps didn't seem quite good enough for the effort of making them. Just my personal opinion, i wasnt into handhelds anyway but the gp32 almost had me.
so after reading a lot about it i reluctantly decided against it. Now it all starts again for me- gp2x sounds as if its what i was hoping from the gp32 in video and emulation, but as ive never owned the old one or seen anything running -and i know that things have progressed in my absence, can someone state the general progress of a few emulators on gp32? it would give me a better standpoint to judge the gp2x from. Im most interested in mame but realise its more suited to the consoles which isnt a problem. I believe ill have to get one of these even if it doesnt quite meet my hopes of it, i realise itll do a lot of cool stuff anyway and ive waited long enough
see, personally im not really happy with settling for no sound in particular on emus, and way back when, there seemed to be too many compromises for me to take to be worthwhile when im not already mad about handhelds anyway and i can play everything on the pc at full speed. anyone care to help please? ie is it probable we'll be able to play anything up to/under genesis/tg16 fullspeed maybe snes/gba near full speed with sound on gp2x.
Thank you in advance.
P.S dream situation: being able to carry mame streetfighter alpha/zero3 around - 'drool' . Dont worry, I've already surmized the likeliness of it!
i found the gp32 and this site a long time ago, before the overclocked ones were on sale, and though it looked great and exciting- it had too little power for my taste at the time - compressed video at 10 fps didn't seem quite good enough for the effort of making them. Just my personal opinion, i wasnt into handhelds anyway but the gp32 almost had me.
so after reading a lot about it i reluctantly decided against it. Now it all starts again for me- gp2x sounds as if its what i was hoping from the gp32 in video and emulation, but as ive never owned the old one or seen anything running -and i know that things have progressed in my absence, can someone state the general progress of a few emulators on gp32? it would give me a better standpoint to judge the gp2x from. Im most interested in mame but realise its more suited to the consoles which isnt a problem. I believe ill have to get one of these even if it doesnt quite meet my hopes of it, i realise itll do a lot of cool stuff anyway and ive waited long enough
Thank you in advance.
P.S dream situation: being able to carry mame streetfighter alpha/zero3 around - 'drool' . Dont worry, I've already surmized the likeliness of it!