Battery Led Broken?


Aug 17, 2006
Hello. I've noticed that my battery LED indicator doesn't seem to work. There is no light to remind me if the batteries are low. I also tried using the SDL test development files and I got everything to work except the "Battery LED flash 3 times". I guess it's not that big a deal. Have other people had problems with this? Thanks. :)
What FW are you using?

I just go by the gage in Gmenu2X (even if it's not 100% accurate)
I'm using 2.1.1 and the LED works, but it's a bit random. Sometimes it comes on after only a short time with fully charged batteries but then the batteries have lasted as long as ever and other times it hasn't come on at all.

Other times it has worked correctly.
Parkydr posted on Dec 22 2006 at 09:28 AM said:
I'm using 2.1.1 and the LED works, but it's a bit random. Sometimes it comes on after only a short time with fully charged batteries but then the batteries have lasted as long as ever and other times it hasn't come on at all.

Other times it has worked correctly.

I've never really noticed it. I just check the battery in the menu every time I turn it on for a new gaming session - if it says low, I change them (I've always got some freshly charged). Probably a bit overcautious, but I'd prefer that then knackering my SD card if it's accessing when the batteries fail :eek:
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