hello everyone,
i recently bought philips multilife batteries 2700 for my gp2x and i was a bit disappointed when i found out they don't not fit into it. well, they do but it is a true pain in arse and even then the gp2x won't work (must me the contacts or what).

i was told on irc channel:
jtg: I think most batteries are smaller than the AA standard specifies, they can be bigger, but a lot of things won't fit them. There are some 3000mah s around, but they hardly fit in anything iirc. Thay're still standard AA, though
so just be careful when purchasing the (non?)standard AA batteries.
kind regards,
ps: my 4-years old rayovac are too tiny on the other hand
i recently bought philips multilife batteries 2700 for my gp2x and i was a bit disappointed when i found out they don't not fit into it. well, they do but it is a true pain in arse and even then the gp2x won't work (must me the contacts or what).

i was told on irc channel:
jtg: I think most batteries are smaller than the AA standard specifies, they can be bigger, but a lot of things won't fit them. There are some 3000mah s around, but they hardly fit in anything iirc. Thay're still standard AA, though
so just be careful when purchasing the (non?)standard AA batteries.
kind regards,
ps: my 4-years old rayovac are too tiny on the other hand