Batteries: Size Does Matter!


Apr 27, 2007
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hello everyone,

i recently bought philips multilife batteries 2700 for my gp2x and i was a bit disappointed when i found out they don't not fit into it. well, they do but it is a true pain in arse and even then the gp2x won't work (must me the contacts or what).

i was told on irc channel:
jtg: I think most batteries are smaller than the AA standard specifies, they can be bigger, but a lot of things won't fit them. There are some 3000mah s around, but they hardly fit in anything iirc. Thay're still standard AA, though

so just be careful when purchasing the (non?)standard AA batteries.

kind regards,


ps: my 4-years old rayovac are too tiny on the other hand
Yeah, this is so true. Why couldn't they put real battery contacts on the GP2X... the ones with a spring on the - end. Well, maybe in MK3 ;)
Hmm, I've always managed to get the slightly-smaller batteries to work by stretching out that flap of metal that touches the negative contact slightly. I can't imagine it'd be too hard to hack a spring into the compartment if that is your preference. (but I agree, using a spring in the first place would've been wise.)
Miika said:
Yeah, this is so true. Why couldn't they put real battery contacts on the GP2X... the ones with a spring on the - end. Well, maybe in MK3 ;)
speaking of MK3 ... is there any chance in hell gamepark will outfit the unit with a DPAD? maybe it's too big a change but gamepark have upgraded the hardware of their machines before (blu, blu+) and i'm a dreamer.

it's too bad parts ran out ... davec and evildragon are no longer doing those mods.

or maybe since gp likes to upgrade screens we'll wind up with a touchscreen ;)

happy saturday :gp2x :P
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VARTA 2700 fits perfect and last between 4:30 5:20 at 200 mhz
So this is battery related? I'd thought that the GP2X just had a very snug fitting battery compartment when I found that it was nearly impossible for me to get my batteries (2500mah Energizers) out after they died. I had to go at them with a small blade to get them out until I came up with a better plan. =P

Tip if the batteries just barely fit and you can't get them out: Put a small length of ribbon under the batteries. Pull up on both ends to remove the batteries easily.
Stats for Uniross 2700mAh:

Clock Speed: 200 Mhz
Running Time: 5:10:00
Average FPS: 81.89

Current charge: 45%
Initial internal charge: 974
Current internal charge: 719

notes: at around 4hrs 50 the battery started to lose 100%charge; used an eforce v3000 fast charger - output 1.2v, 450mA; FW 3.0.0 GP2X MK2
peelie said:
Stats for Uniross 2700mAh:

Clock Speed: 200 Mhz
Running Time: 5:10:00
Average FPS: 81.89

Current charge: 45%
Initial internal charge: 974
Current internal charge: 719

notes: at around 4hrs 50 the battery started to lose 100%charge; used an eforce v3000 fast charger - output 1.2v, 450mA
you call that fast? mines 1.2v, 4000mah.
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sam fisher said:
peelie said:
Stats for Uniross 2700mAh:

Clock Speed: 200 Mhz
Running Time: 5:10:00
Average FPS: 81.89

Current charge: 45%
Initial internal charge: 974
Current internal charge: 719

notes: at around 4hrs 50 the battery started to lose 100%charge; used an eforce v3000 fast charger - output 1.2v, 450mA
you call that fast? mines 1.2v, 4000mah.

lol obviously not as fast as yours, was going by the make/model on the box :)
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peelie said:
Stats for Uniross 2700mAh:

Clock Speed: 200 Mhz
Running Time: 5:10:00
Average FPS: 81.89

Current charge: 45%
Initial internal charge: 974
Current internal charge: 719

notes: at around 4hrs 50 the battery started to lose 100%charge; used an eforce v3000 fast charger - output 1.2v, 450mA; FW 3.0.0 GP2X MK2
Hi threre!

I too do have that charger! Did you found any list of charge times for it?!
I pretend to buy that batteries too... Uniross 2700mAh... How long does it take to charge them?!

If you could help me with this it would be nice!

Now a question for everyone!!! My charger come with 2500mAh batteries... Is any charger able to charge batteries of 2700mAh or higher?!

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Check the batteries and the charger. The batteries what they need, the charger says what it provides. You shouldn't have any problems charging 2700 batteries in a charger that comes with 2500's.

BTW, Replying to a six-month old thread is considered bad etiquette.