Here in the Netherlands, house windows are huuuge and look exhibionistic to other cultures. It is just a way to get more light inside the already dark houses. (not much lumen (light intensity) here)
As for the "no backdoor"... Think about savety too: if there is fire just at the door (so you couldnt go through), would you still be able to get out?
It will be an earth sheltered dome, and the whole exposed wall will probably be glass. Safety is not a
concern problem, there are 2 or 3 ways out of every room, and it is mostly completely open, with bathrooms and closets being the exception. As for exits from the building, the main entrance will be double doors, with a single door at one side, and either another door, or a hallway leading to the garage, possibly both, at the other end. There will also be a way to get outside by going up the stairs, but that is supposed to a sitting area (possibly with some of my trees and plants that aren't inside). Even if I wanted a death trap, I think building codes would prevent it. There is much more to it that I don't feel like getting into here, and a few things I am still trying to work out to reduce waste and such.
Edit: And there won't be much to catch on fire. If there is, it will be restricted to the furniture, books, or pile of clothes where it started, as the dome and walls will be concrete.
Edit edit: Also, the doors will not be made of materials that can easily catch on fire. If I had my way they would be steel, but I don't think that will happen.