Australia's classification board

I updated my opening post for you, Jourdy.

Oh thanks.. Man, I remember reading about Australia's classification system years ago and wondering who was running it. Just yipes.

On another note, the BBFC rated Halo 2 for ages 12+. That's the most accurate rating I've seen for that game.
^ As far as I'm aware, the BBFC hasn't rated Halo 2 at all - and it has a PEGI rating of 16+ (Halo 3, meanwhile, does have a BBFC rating - a "15" - slapped on it, for some reason). I'm no fan of PEGI (as I'm sure you might have guessed by now :P ), but by their standards, that's actually a bit high, I think. The Halo games seem to be more comic-book-like with their violence, to me, and I agree that a ~12 rating would probably be appropriate for them.
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Agreed, they're not very.. Realistic, haha. I still don't get why the ESRB rated it 'M'.
Well, just the "S" word mostly, but it was about on par with Halo.
Sorry for the gravedig, but this may be of interest to people in Australia. Looks like we'll finally be getting an R18+ rating after all.
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Sorry for the gravedig, but this may be of interest to people in Australia. Looks like we'll finally be getting an R18+ rating after all.

Awesome news, but it is 'proposed' therefor it will probably take a year for the to fill out paperwork and work out their political shit.
Sorry for the gravedig, but this may be of interest to people in Australia. Looks like we'll finally be getting an R18+ rating after all.

Australia still sucks, because:

South Australia has previously indicated it will also scrap the current MA15+ , meaning all violent games will be restricted to adults.
Little did they know that we still need MA15+

They should just scrap PG.

A national telephone survey conducted by Galaxy last year showed that 80 per cent of the 2,226 people contacted said they supported the introduction of an adult only category for games.
Wonder who the other 20% are?

games containing extreme violence will continue to be refused classification and banned from sale altogether.
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