Auntie Maude's legacy (What if you were rich?)

This one is a no brainer.

Give up work and watch my children grow up in a relaxed atmosphere.
I'd buy all the Pandora pre-orders.

well that's selfish. I would build a giant transforming robot, or perhaps a working digivice.
Give some to charity, buy Nintendo and open source all their stuff...

well that's selfish. I would build a giant transforming robot, or perhaps a working digivice.


Quick, start making sketches and set up a website! Gather some pre-orders and convince scientists to create a device that can turn a drawing into a living breathing creature! We'll be rich and controversial and world-changing!
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buy the rights to megaman and make good megaman games, including legends 3
You might be outbid by a certain moderator... ;)
Indeed you might! :P

I'd be handing it all right over to Keiji Inafune, where it belongs, if I was successful. (That said, I would imagine that's what will happen when Capcom goes under - it would be foolish to believe that Comcept isn't considering a bid for the rights when/if that occurs. And I'm quite certain that this will occur when/if Capcom doesn't turn things around.)
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What about buying lots of stupid patents and allowing anyone to use the patented designs/processes?