Audio Creation Software For The Pandora

Aldrin is open source, and the source-code is available under GNU GPL v2. I know very little about the ease porting it to ARM.

Website redirects to a domain so i'm having to read about it on my G1 (google is "the satan" at my work).

If it's anything like Buzz (according to the wikipedia entry it was designed after Buzz), I used that program like a champ on a laptop sporting a 600MHz PIII with 256MB of RAM, while choking down Windows XP Home.
I'm really hoping for guitar/bass effects processing.
chn said:
torpor said:
Totally with you on the synth ideas chn .. I'm getting a Pandora primarily for this purpose, in fact .. ;)
At the very least, a PureData port would kick ass on the Pandora, with the touchscreen .. and then of course we have to work out some way to put the on-board DSP to good use too ..
Hey, is it you, Jay? Pretty cool to meet you here! Do you remember, I'm the OpenSMDI guy, Chris ;) Thanks for your encouragement! Hm, maybe we can even get something going together, audio-wise on the Pandora. I don't know about PureData, I'll have a look at it.

Hi Chris! I answered your emails but I guess you haven't gotten back to me yet .. yes, 'tis I! Great!

Lets make the Pandora a really kickass musicians 'toolbox', eh? I wanna make a MIDI patch editor/librarian right away that uses the touchscreen and graphics capabilities, for example.. probably we should do that as an open source project, eh?
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