Audio control while clamshell is closed


Still Fresh
Oct 3, 2008
I was wondering how I am going to be able to change tracks on Pandora while I am walking and listening to my OGG songs. Would it be too much to ask if they would integrate something like what Apple has with their new Nano/Touch line in terms of changing tracks and adjusting volume with the remote on the headphone cord? I am picking up some of those new earphones they are coming out with with the dual drivers and they have a remote on would be awesome if I could use its functionality.
The Nintendo DS has 2 triggers and a music player, a combination of the buttons is used. Hold L and press R for pause, hold R and press L for next.
That will be handy when I have easy access to the unit itself. In my jacket, it would be useful to have another option such as utilizing the remote on my headphone cord. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess :wink:
fischju said:
The Nintendo DS has 2 triggers and a music player, a combination of the buttons is used. Hold L and press R for pause, hold R and press L for next.
Actually, thats a homebrew called moonshell.
You can choose either R or L, R then L (or) L then R, or nothing at all.

Nintendo doesn't endore stuff like that.
Damn them.
I'm happy with M3 Sakura/M3 Real dualboot though.
Anyway, can't you play .mp3's and other stuff too?
It seems all of this headphones have a custom connector to support the remote (where else should the remote signaling go).
Only thing i can think of is a bluetooth headphone with remote(does something exist?).
An adapter could be made if pandoras extension port has some spare gpio s.
Antoligy said:
fischju said:
The Nintendo DS has 2 triggers and a music player, a combination of the buttons is used. Hold L and press R for pause, hold R and press L for next.
Actually, thats a homebrew called moonshell.
You can choose either R or L, R then L (or) L then R, or nothing at all.

Nintendo doesn't endore stuff like that.
Damn them.
I'm happy with M3 Sakura/M3 Real dualboot though.
Anyway, can't you play .mp3's and other stuff too?

Not in the moonshell 1.71 that I've used. When the DS is closed, you have to press one then the other.
fischju said:
Antoligy said:
fischju said:
The Nintendo DS has 2 triggers and a music player, a combination of the buttons is used. Hold L and press R for pause, hold R and press L for next.
Actually, thats a homebrew called moonshell.
You can choose either R or L, R then L (or) L then R, or nothing at all.

Nintendo doesn't endore stuff like that.
Damn them.
I'm happy with M3 Sakura/M3 Real dualboot though.
Anyway, can't you play .mp3's and other stuff too?

Not in the moonshell 1.71 that I've used. When the DS is closed, you have to press one then the other.
I'm using V4...
Sure its not in settings?

I'm using M3 Sakura instead... So...
think_tanker said:
That will be handy when I have easy access to the unit itself. In my jacket, it would be useful to have another option such as utilizing the remote on my headphone cord. Beggars can't be choosers, I guess :wink:
This is a possibility. From Google cache, RE: Apple headphones with click controller:

I don't have click-phones to check, but there is a halfway decent chance they can work. The Pandora uses a standard 4-conductor socket - L+, R+, mic, common. If Apple is using a standard 4-conductor plug, then they're probably watching the mic ring for shorts (clicks). If the Apple software can do it, then we can too.

On the other hand, if Apple is using something silly (as they are prone to do) then there's probably nothing we can do.
think_tanker said:
I went on Apple's website and this is what it says its new upcoming headphones will have on them "Connector * Four-conductor 3.5-mm audio jack" I hope its something that will be compatible on the Pandora seeing that I pre-ordered them too (fingers crossed)

Apples headphones are horrible. It's actually one of the huge reasons why many reviewers rated the G4 ipod a 4.5/5.
polkunus said:
think_tanker said:
I went on Apple's website and this is what it says its new upcoming headphones will have on them "Connector * Four-conductor 3.5-mm audio jack" I hope its something that will be compatible on the Pandora seeing that I pre-ordered them too (fingers crossed)

Apples headphones are horrible. It's actually one of the huge reasons why many reviewers rated the G4 ipod a 4.5/5.

These aren't the standard headphones that they had with the G4 iPod...I agree, those ones sucked and I didn't even take them out of the wrapper (I tried my friends and knew I needed better fit/sound quality) so I bought myself a pair of Shure E4Cs which have a single armature in each headphone. I have pre-ordered the new headphones that apple had announced in the last event, purely because it has both a tweeter and bass armature in each headphone (which should result in a better sounding reproduction of all that FLAC and OGG that I am going to be throwing on this bad boy).

The one thing that I would like to figure out when I receive my Pandora is if I might be able to disable the volume wheel for when it's in my pocket and have the unit recognize the remote on those particular headphones. It would drive me crazy to have to reach into my pocket when I am walking in the winter to have to change the tracks and accidentally crank the wheel up and blow my eardrums out.
headphone chords with controls on them, were mentioned earlier, would those be possible?
I guess I will find out if they will work in November. The Apple headphones should be coming in some time this month so I will be able to test them with my Archos 605, but with a better DAC (Burr Brown) and probably headphone amplifier on the Pandora they will sound even better. It would be funny if these $80 headphones would outperform my $400 Shures with a remote to boot.
what about a cheap bluetooth remote control? like those things that frequently come with laptops. or better yet, a small infared usb bit, and use a standard remote... i think ill do that actually.
Is the socket merely a headphone socket, or a microphone socket too?

If mic too, a lot of remote controls work by having different resistances in the mic input mean different button presses - for example, the zaurus does this. I built a remote control for my old SL-C1000...

If the Pandora has a mic input, the chip probably (or possibly) can support it.
chiark said:
Is the socket merely a headphone socket, or a microphone socket too?
It is a three ring (four conductor) socket. One of the rings can certainly be used for a mic, or perhaps as a remote input as you suggest. It all comes down to programming.
Or, with UART and audio in/out on EXT port we can make remote control with small LCD, headphone jack and even mic input. Maybe more expensive than short mic input by resistors, but fancy display on it. :-)
Yes, I know, who cares about fancy display on audio RC, if it is wear in pocket. It was just instant/random idea.
What I need is pause/play (and may be off) functionality. So if short/long shorting mic wire works for this, I'll be happy.
And one more question. I have headphones with microphone, but it have two 3.5 jacks (red and green, as common for nowadays computers). But I don't know how to wire microphone cable (stereo cable is obvious). Can anybody help me with this (link to proper page for increase my knowledge)?
Only thing i can think of is a bluetooth headphone with remote(does something exist?).

A2DP headsets (aka Bluetooth stereo headsets/headphones) generally support AVRCP (remote control) and have buttons, so yes, this would work.
Snu said:
what about a cheap bluetooth remote control? like those things that frequently come with laptops. or better yet, a small infared usb bit, and use a standard remote... i think ill do that actually.
Great idea.