

Advanced Member
Oct 25, 2011
This one program looks like a nice solution for animations on the go.
I just love the interface.

here is the main site:

It´s open source and sources are available there on the download section.
I wish I could do the port, but have 0 knowledge on the deal.
Akabei said:
Have you already seen grafx? It's kind of EA's famous DeluxePaint.

Yep and I use it on the caanoo.
Every day at least a single drawing! :) works perfect with the stylus or a wacom one.

This one has animation support+onion skin, which is a must to me.
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Considering having more high quality apps on the caanoo, like milkytracker, grafx and the likes, I contacted the author of the application (ASESPRITE).
I will see if I get permission to post his reply, but it is an awesome one. Would need a few consulting from pros on compiling to pull it off.
I can probably attempt (or help you) attempt to compile it. I'll go take a quick look at the source code.
erico said:
Considering having more high quality apps on the caanoo, like milkytracker, grafx and the likes, I contacted the author of the application (ASESPRITE).
I will see if I get permission to post his reply, but it is an awesome one. Would need a few consulting from pros on compiling to pull it off.

I can probably compile it or help you compile it. I'll go take a look at the source code and try the program out on my computer.

If you want to compile it, you'll need to grab the GPH_SDK from the file archive and put it somewhere (anywhere) on your hard drive. If you're going to use Windows to compile it, grab the Windows SDK. IIRC, you'll have to use cygwin. I'd recommend using Linux to compile it as it is easier and faster IMO.
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Com64, great thing, thanks!

Here is what David Capello said about my inquire for him to do a port:
Hi Erico! Thanks for all your comments about ASEPRITE.
On the port to caanoo, I don't know, if someone send
me a free device, I would like to do some work around it ;)
Thanks again!

A free device I believe is quite hard for me or maybe any of us, as we are not the company GPH, just users on a community.
That , I speak for myself of course.

About your reply, Com64, would be really wonderful if you can have a look on it.
I´m a coder/artist myself, but converting open code is beyond my capabilities.

I can do new apps, can even do a light table anim stuff for caanoo, but would lack undo and many things more :(

Would be nice to get things that are open, into the caanoo universe.
Somehow, I tend to care for this handheld as I did for the amiga. Must have good creative tools on the text,gfx,anim,sound,music front and even more.

I´m currently coding a game to test it out, hope to have it going before xmas.
I can try and help you with such a port but remember I´m no pro coder.

PM me if anything! Would be nice.

I´m glad you see value into it and are intend to put time into! even if it is to just take a look :D