Are You Happy?

TelcoLou posted on Dec 2 2005 at 11:15 AM said:
Very very happy :D

* Goes back to making custom skins *
;) I'm happy :D and mad :angry: what the :blink:

I've only used the mp3 capability so far (don't know how to apply games)
NEED! METAL SLUG *starts to break down*
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Iorgy77 posted on Dec 2 2005 at 04:24 AM said:
very happy

but how the hell do I take the protective layer off the lcd... friggin thing is driving me nuts... tried sticky tape on the tab it didn't work... Do I have to dissasemble the gp2x to remove it??? the edge of the protective layer edges seem to be under the frame of the gp2x....

very happy... very happy... very happy....

/me rocks back and forth and finally ends up in the fetal position on the floor.

very happy... very happy... very happy....

I had to resort to taking a plastic fork, breaking all but one of the tines off and then using that to scrape in the corner until the vinyl started coming up.

Worked well for me, but if you manage to hurt yourself or the GP2X, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE.

On topic, I am this happy :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :P

Anybody got a suggestion on how to field "PSP right?" questions?
I have resorted to "No, GP2X, it's Korean."
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nubie posted on Dec 2 2005 at 01:18 PM said:
Anybody got a suggestion on how to field "PSP right?" questions?
I have resorted to "No, GP2X, it's Korean."

I usually scowl at them, saying "You wouldn't understand", then go back to playing games ;)
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TelcoLou posted on Dec 2 2005 at 12:14 PM said:
nubie posted on Dec 2 2005 at 01:18 PM said:
Anybody got a suggestion on how to field "PSP right?" questions?
I have resorted to "No, GP2X, it's Korean."

I usually scowl at them, saying "You wouldn't understand", then go back to playing games ;)

How anti-social of you :P
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I'll agree with most people here, Im very happy with my early purchase :D Missed out on the GP32 and so far the GP2X has filled that void! Yes theres the odd problems with the firmware and maybe the joystick does need getting use to but overall, I'm very pleased :P

Loads of potential and Im loving the stuff out at the moment, cant wait to see how things are going 6 months down the line!