Are The Gpx2 And The Xgp The Sucessors Of The Gp32

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Gampark, the creators of the GP32 split into two companies

Gamepark Holdings - Their name is soon to change. They created the GPx2, which seems to be the most GP32-like of the two consoles, since it is concentrated on homebrew and the Dev comunity.

Gamepark - they created the XGP, which isnt concentrated on Devs.
If any one of them is, it'd be the GP2x given the manufacturer's greater focus on homebrew development. But yes, once the Gp2x is out for a bit, the GP32's on its way out, I'd have to say. The Gp2x is everything the Gp32 is and more, with most of the flaws all ironed out.
XGP=Commercial Games (Designed to compete with PSP)

Gp2x=Commercial and Homebrew Games (True gp32 sucessor)

Gp32=Commercial and Homebrew Games (Original GamePark Handheld)
To be perfectly honest, we don't know that the XGP won't support homebrew. They have said that it's "Open SDK," which leads me to believe there could very well be some open development allowed on the system.

Best not to make such blanket statements until we know for sure.
reallynotnick posted on Oct 19 2005 at 11:56 AM said:
Well the XGP is more like the GP32 in its first half of life and the GP2X is more like that gp32 is now viewed today.
So far as good blanket statements go, I like that one; and it may be true.
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I wish one of the two companies would totally changed their company name, because Game Park Holdings and Game Park , not only confuses n00bs, but it is virtually the same name. :)
I also agree with reallynotnick. I wish we had more information, this way we can only speculate. But anyway, if Gamepark (xgp) didn't mind homebrew programming for their console, there wouldn't be 2 companies right now, i guess.
Can the GP2x run GP32 files/binaries?
If not then how difficult is porting them?

I've probably missed something, somewhere very obvious, that answers this question...

But I figured a post about relationships between the GP2x and GP32 would be the best place to post it.

Besides, sooner or later this will become a Frequently Asked Question.
Ok, from what I've been told on these forums, GamePark holds the rights to the GP32. GPH is the splinter company from the original.

So this makes the XGP the actual successor to the GP32, no matter how much the ideals of the GP2X may mirror those of the GP32 (in it's later years). The GP2X could be seen as the "spiritual successor" to the GP32 ;)

Although recently with Lik-Sang listing GP32s and accessories under GPH, I'm just confused. Would be good to have solid info on this.
Wow this is confusing... so I didnt buy a "Game Park 2"... I got a GP2x? so basicly is it - hombrew and no games game releases atm
and PSP /DS wanna be? I think most of Game Park buyers are poeple who are in to emulation... and hombrew no people who want the latest games... but i dont know its confusing as hell whats the best portable system for emulation Ahrg?! <_<
Aninhumer posted on Dec 13 2005 at 10:25 PM said:
Can the GP2x run GP32 files/binaries?
If not then how difficult is porting them?

I've probably missed something, somewhere very obvious, that answers this question...

But I figured a post about relationships between the GP2x and GP32 would be the best place to post it.

Besides, sooner or later this will become a Frequently Asked Question.

1. No.

2. not sure, I'm not a developer.

The GP2X and XGP are different systems. The XGP is almost assuredly destined for failure, seeing as the PSP took dominant control of the commercial handheld gaming market.

Of course, the SNES took the genesis for a ride back in the day... then Sony came along.
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The XGP and XGP mini will probably face the same future as the GP32 did if GamePark does not make them open for development; in the end, they do it in order to earn money, right? ;)