C64 (when i was 6

), C128, Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, Megadrive, SNES, Saturn, "upgraded A1200 to 68030 + 8mb", PC, Gameboy Colour, Playstation, Dreamcast, Gameboy Advance, new PC (laptop with every emulator ever

), then GP32!
the C64, C128 and the Amigas were all "hand me downs" from my uncles though - every time they got a new machine they gave me their old one...the first games i ever played in my life were Giana Sisters, Buggy Boy, Beamrider and Way Of The Exploding Fist on the C64
in between owning these consoles my uncle also had a Jap PC Engine, a Jap Super Famicom, a Jap Megadrive, a Playstation, a US N64, Dreamcast and PS2
...so yeah, i've played a helluva lot of games in my life! lol
i wouldn't mind getting an XBOX (just for Jet Set Radio Future!) and a Gamecube (for Mario Sunshine, Zelda and Super Monkey Ball 2)....but i'll wait to the price drops so cheap that i can pick up both machines with all the best games for a combined price of under £150

(i don't have time play them these days anyway!)