Apple Watch

I heard that apple gets its crazy and biased coverage because anyone who talks badly about their products gets put on a shit list.  This means they have zero access to any of their devices to give a preview before the sale date when it is huge click bait.  So noone speaks poorly of them when the iphone 6 is behind the 8 ball when it comes to features and innovation.

Bloody smart move by apple and I just wonder when people will wake up to this shit.  It's a phone I have no idea how people get so happy/sad about them. I would much rather spend that kind of cash on something productive or actually fun rather than a slight incremental upgrade of something which everyone uses as a shitty video player/web browser.
Can it continues to play this video at 1:32?  If so I would get one 'cause OMAP5 couldn't handle it.
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Steve Jobs would be rolling in his grave right about now <_<
This is the same old shit I saw from Steve Jobs. The only missing part now, is him and his "Jedi mind tricks", sadly there are still millions of "weak minded fools", and the Apple "force" is still way strong. So until users break free from the "Emperors" old ways, these products will continue to sale in droves. 

"The apple watch" mindless minions who mingle among us ordinary folk, always watching for those of us who do not use apple products...

Join the Apple watch today!
The apple was firm, crisp and wholesome with an unusually alluring luster. "Just one bite" thought little Johhny...just one bite...
What the hell. Marketing speech rarely makes much sense, but they've hit a new low. From that last promo video:

"By creating iPhone6 and iOS8 together, we've optimized the physical design to enhance software features. The coverglass extends beyond the top surface to seamlessly join the aluminium unibody. The result is hardware and software defining a truly singular experience."

How is that supposed to make sense? If you think about it, those sentences are basically saying the following: "By shipping our hardware with software, the hardware enhances the software. Our hardware looks very sexy. As a result, the software runs really well on it."

Ugh. People who buy this stuff based on such videos, deserve this stuff :)
Until I've read your comment I thought I didn't understand correctly what they were talking about.

What I understood seemed to make no sense.

Thanks to you I may trust my English skills again: You confirmed that it makes no sense.

Thanks man!

please....for the love of all that is holy, share this on facebook
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^ Of if you want to fully charge it instantly, put it in your microwave and choose the popcorn option ;)
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please....for the love of all that is holy, share this on facebook
Please don't. Dropping your phone in water is a prank that breaks the phone but ultimately it's just a phone. Putting lithium batteries in the microwave can cause lethal explosions, or at least start a major house fire: people can die if they think this is real. There is a huge difference between tricking people into breaking their phone and tricking them into killing themselves or others.
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Hope no one gets hurt in the future.
Come on, don't try to spoil the fun for us. :)
The worst thing likely to happen is a fun little explosion, I guess, I wouldn't expect that to seriously hurt anyone. (besides the phone, the microwave oven and maybe the surfaces surrounding the oven if it's bad and you need to throw a bucket of water on top of it {after unplugging the microwave, /that/ could be much more dangerous I would assume})
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